Sentences with phrase «biceps brachii»

Similarly, latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid, biceps brachii, upper trapezius, and lower trapezius EMG amplitudes are greater in a pressing exercise performed with a cable machine compared to with a fixed bar path machine (Cacchio et al. 2008).
A free throw in basketball involves the upper body muscles, such as the rotator cuff muscles, coracobrachialis, latissimus dorsi, biceps brachii, brachioradialis, triceps brachii, anconeus and pronator teres.
A very small number of studies have explored NFL in the upper body musculature, such as the triceps brachii (Kawakami et al. 1995; Matta et al. 2011), biceps brachii (Matta et al. 2011), and the supraspinatus (Kim et al. 2014).
If so, then you can't actually use or develop the biceps brachii — it's non-functional since it's no longer attached.
Assessing the effect of load, McCaw & Friday (1994) found a main difference in biceps brachii muscle activity between 60 % and 80 % of 1RM when performing the free - weight and smith machine bench press.
However, Vigotsky et al. (2015) performed a musculoskeletal modelling investigation and found that a 100 % increase in anatomical cross-sectional area led to increases in the internal moment arm lengths of the biceps brachii and brachialis by 27.2 % and 37.3 %, respectively.
Biceps brachii muscle activity seems to be higher in the bench press using free - weights compared to machine resistance.
They reported that the biceps brachii displayed significantly greater muscle activity during the dumbbell bench press, while the barbell bench press displayed significantly greater activity than the smith machine.
Assessing the effect of weight implement used, Saeterbekken et al. (2011) explored the differences in biceps brachii muscle activity between the free - weight barbell, dumbbell and smith machine bench press.
They reported that the biceps brachii displayed significantly greater muscle activity when performing the free - weight bench press compared to the smith machine at 60 % but not 80 % of 1RM.
Performing a similar study using the biceps brachii, Beck et al. (2005) found that inter-electrode pair distances of between 2 — 6 cm produced similarly low levels of crosstalk, implying that increasing the distance to more than 2 cm is probably unnecessary.
This exercise works the rhomboids, trapezius and biceps brachii and is similar to the single arm row.
The biceps (more correctly, biceps brachii) predominantly consists of two distinct muscles, the short head and the long head.
The biceps (more correctly, biceps brachii) comprise two distinct muscles, the short head and the long head.
Located in the anterior compartment of the arm, the biceps brachii is outermost muscle on the front of the upper arm, lying superficial to the brachialis.
It's in the outermost layer of muscle, lying superficial to the proximal end of the biceps brachii short head, pectoralis minor and coracobrachialis.
The biceps brachii (L. biceps, two - headed [bis, twice; caput, head]; G. brachion, arm.)
However, the biceps brachii are also get worked hard, though less directly, during brachialis exercises (e.g. preacher curl, concentration curl), brachioradialis exercises (e.g. hammer curl, reverse curl) and back exercises (e.g. chin up, underhand row).
Deficient concentration of work on the pectoral muscle because too much of the strain is taken by the deltoids (or / and biceps brachii).
It focuses on the long head (outer portion) of the biceps brachii during the bicep workout.
One muscle in particular that many yoga practitioners neglect is the biceps brachii.
Thus, it's important that we supplement our practice with weightlifting movements that target the biceps brachii, such as bicep curls, to ensure balanced strength.»
In human anatomy, the biceps brachii, commonly known as the biceps, consist of two - headed muscles on the upper arm between the shoulder and the elbow.
However, other muscles may also influence the position of the acromion (such as biceps brachii and coracobrachialis) and so it is best not to use this test in isolation.
Other contributing muscles include the supraspinatus muscle and biceps brachii muscle caput longum.
The biceps brachii is the long, cigar - shaped muscle on the front of the arm.
One way to build muscle and get those amazing «guns» is to understand the bicep muscles, including the biceps brachii and brachialis, and how they work.
When looking at biceps, they are shaped mainly by genetics, so if you have long, flat biceps brachii muscles, you have your parent to thank.
Of these muscles, the biceps brachii crosses both the shoulder and elbow joints.
Toned Biceps can be obtained with number of weight training exercises which targets the «biceps brachii muscle».
The biceps brachii has two heads, the long head and the short head.
A good arms workout focuses on hitting all three heads of the triceps, the biceps brachii and brachialis as well as the forearms.
EMG studies of the long head of the biceps brachii show that muscle fibers in the lateral portion of the muscle are recruited for elbow flexion, fibers in the medial aspect are recruited for supination, and centrally located fibers are recruited for non-linear combinations of flexion and supination.
Muscles producing movements at the elbow and forearm are the triceps brachii, brachioradialis, brachialis, biceps brachii and the anconeus.
A classic way to place more resistance on the biceps brachii and destroy those stubborn muscle fibers.
You can change the focus of a curl from, say, the long head to the short head or maybe even the brachialis, the muscle under the biceps brachii.
Use lighter loads so that you can concentrate on the contraction at the inside of your biceps brachii and aim for the 12 - 15 rep range to really drain all remaining strength from your inner long heads.
As we mentioned above, performing curls with slower tempo will help you place more stress on the brachialis, while faster curls tend to target the biceps brachii more.
When using a supinated grip, the area on your upper back which has been targeted will be changed and the intensity will also transfer on the biceps brachii.
The hammer grip shifts the stress away from the biceps brachii and onto the brachialis and to a somewhat lesser extent, the brachioradialis.
The most important reason for this phenomenon is the fact that the brachialis muscle has more slow - twitch fibers than the biceps, and therefore, has more of a stabilizing role compared to the biceps brachii which is meant for faster, more explosive work.
As you already know, the biceps brachii has two separate heads: the long head and the short head.
The three major muscles located on the front of your upper arm are the biceps brachii, brachialis and brachioradialis.
The biceps brachii consists of short and long head, which are two smaller muscles, both running down the upper arm from the top of the shoulder blade and attaching to the radius bone.
The core muscle of the biceps muscle group is the biceps brachii muscle, which is composed of a long (outer) head and a short (inner) head that work as a single muscle.
Deep under the biceps brachii lies the brachialis muscle, which is responsible for flexing the elbow, while the brachioradialis muscle which is found in the forearm is heavily involved in rotating the forearm.
The brachialis lies below the bicep brachii and covers the front of the elbow joint and lower portion of the upper arm (see picture above).

Not exact matches

I remember in 1982, while I was visiting Dr. Dietmar Schmidtbleicher at the Sport Science Institute of the University of Freiburg, he was showing me CAT scans of subjects who had undergone a triceps training protocol, the ones with the highest hormonal profiles had experienced hypertrophy not only in the triceps brachii but also in the brachialis and biceps muscles, which are muscles that have antagonistic functions to the triceps.
Specimens collected post-mortem from the second puppy included the infraspinatus, extensor carpi radialis, triceps brachii, biceps femoris, quadriceps, and cranial tibial muscles on the right side.
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