Sentences with phrase «bidirectional interactions»

A second line of research into family functioning has implicated «parental communication deviance,» a style of communicating with offspring that is vague, fragmented, and contradictory.54, 55 Although early studies of this phenomenon were criticized on methodological grounds, 56 it was later reported that parental communication deviance and criticism / hostility predicted later psychosis among nonpsychotic child guidance attendees, 57,58 reflecting bidirectional interactions between psychopathology in the children and parental behavior.59 More recently, a Finnish adoption study found that children at genetic risk of psychosis were more likely to become psychotic in later life if raised by adoptive parents with communication deviance.60, 61
Nonlinear systems often feature important dynamics which would be missed if bidirectional interactions between subsystems are not modeled.
In one instance, they showed structures that plan and then activate movement, which tend to interact in one direction in control subjects, may have abnormal bidirectional interactions in the brains of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
«It makes sense physiologically that there are bidirectional interactions» between bone and other tissues, Rosen says.
A bidirectional interaction between androgens and BPA levels has been disclosed.

Not exact matches

However, the paper argues that these two - way interactionsbidirectional coupling») are not included in the current models.
The term «microbiota - gut - brain axis» is used to describe the complex bidirectional signaling that occurs between the GI tract and the nervous system, and emphasizes the newly recognized role of intestinal microbes in these interactions.
Therefore, there is a need for more sophisticated methodology utilizing longitudinal modeling of complex multivariate designs to allow for the estimation of bidirectional effects between supportive relationships and adolescents» sexual risk as well as the exploration of interactions between stability and change within a mesosystem.
Positive development interventions that promote family resilience (i.e., strengths of the family system when under stress, in crisis, or overcoming adversity) with pediatric populations must take into account the context of the youth's developmental level (Luther, 2000), the stage or course of the disease / chronic illness (Yi et al., 2008), and the bidirectional / dynamic nature of interactions within the family (Walsh, 2003).
Coercive parent — child interaction models posit that an escalating cycle of negative, bidirectional interchanges influences the development of boys» externalizing problems and caregivers» maladaptive parenting over time.
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