Sentences with phrase «big bucks into»

That's why they have poured big bucks into funding a disinformation campaign to keep the public confused about the reality of anthropogenic global warming, so that the voters won't demand governments implement policies to help bring about that transition.
THQ took a relatively big gamble investing big bucks into a game that doesn't really fit the usual AAA mold.
Square Enix is putting big bucks into this game.
The ones the publishers invest big bucks into in order to make the book a success.
Swanson: And in addition to dropping the big bucks into the legislative races late in the campaign, it's our understanding that Stand has hired as many as 11 lobbyists, some of Springfield's most high - profile, high - priced lobbyists.
So if you have small shoulders relative to the rest of your body, don't necessarily size up unless you want to put big bucks into the alterations.
«So they can funnel big bucks into the system through their limited liability companies.»
Supporters of a charter - school network run by Eva Moskowitz that is in de Blasio's cross hairs are pouring big bucks into the campaign coffers of Cuomo — a friend of charter schools.

Not exact matches

Meanwhile, SpaceDev, the rocket motor supplier for SpaceShipOne, is also working on a manned orbital vehicle, funding itself not only through rocket motor sales but through contracts with NASA — which might eventually be willing to pay big bucks to a private company to get government astronauts into orbit.
He weighed into the debate as M&C Saatchi reported strong annual results, bucking the trend seen at bigger global advertising groups such as WPP.
Get a glimpse into the rise of equity crowdfunding and the platform that is helping raise big bucks for highly vetted startups.
There's been no secret that Genworth, American International Group (NYSE: AIG), Radian Group (NYSE: RDN), and other private mortgage insurers have been raking in the big bucks as the US housing market went into high gear during 2013.
The finding appears to extend to the macroeconomic level as well — shareholders in the larger economy got a much bigger bang for their buck when cash was returned to them as dividends than when it was deployed into capital expenditure.
Congressmen and women tried to get Bernanke to wade into the muddied waters and finally he flippantly said that legislators get paid the «big bucks» to make fiscal policy.
If you add mourinho, I think Mourinho will be smart enough to know it's a big a gamble to come into the league at this time, esp when you consider Pep and Conte at the Mega buck clubs.
I'd say if commercially Arsenal were struggling to get the big bucks because of our league position over the last ten years well then that might kick them into action.
Under his rival and current majority share holder Stan Kroenke, Arsenal have seen their «business» turn more towards saving money and making big bucks for the American, rather than investing the same money into players that will help the team win trophies.
In any combat sport (Boxing being the best example) it is only the really well known fighters that have the ability to draw crowds into an arena and sell pay - per - views that get paid the big bucks which you are beginning to see happen in the UFC as well (Conor being the prime example).
The revelations came as Mayor de Blasio said he cut ties with James Capalino, a super lobbyist who raised big bucks for the mayor, met personally with him several times, and had a hand in the controversial Rivington House deal that allowed a nursing home to be turned into luxury condos.
The Transport Workers Union requested a state attorney general's probe into the connection between big bucks contributions de Blasio got from animal rights activists and his legislative push to ban or reduce the industry.
He'd have seen the Strategic Health Authority re-cast; hospitals merge into common trusts, Primary Care Groups redrawn as Primary Care Trusts and then redrawn again as bigger PCTs; Mental Health Trusts amalgamate (Oxfordshire's was paired off with Bucks»), and Ambulance Trusts fold into each other.
Stepping underneath the big, bucking neon sign and into the inviting, rustic interiors felt a little bit like stepping back in time.
And most of us have stories of folks pretending to be somebody online that they're really not, like the dating married guy, or that single girl who manipulates that lonely single guy into spending big bucks on her.
In episode 202, Penn and Teller examine the hucksters that tap into hysteria over personal safety to make big bucks from such products as gas masks, paper toilet seat covers and cell phones - while the average person is four times more likely to be struck by lightning than to be killed violently at school.
Tough as it is to believe (he's the school geek, after all), the pair hit it off and before long are something of an item — but Matt gets more than he bargained for when he and his class buds get dragged into the seedy - yet - strangely - appealing world of skin flicks, big bucks, and phallic - shaped statuettes.
Visually, it looks great — the hairstyles & fashions of the 80's shown in the sort of small town where big bucks and high fashion are never going to reside are brilliantly depicted and the «mockumentary» style of film - making shown makes it easy to step into the lives of these people although frankly, all are so vile you'll soon be looking round wondering how quickly you can step back out again.
It looks as if Eddie Murphy will be riding the nostalgia train into some big bucks over the next few years.
Your window into the biggest stories in Marvel history costs a buck!
The danger with an exercise such as this annual shakedown — aside from driving off a mountain face, careening into a 12 - point buck as it sprints from the underbrush (almost happened), or spinning off the track into an unprotected wall — is that it's all too easy to become infatuated with big money, big horsepower, almost impossibly aspirational items.
From the first moment my codriver and I pulled away from the Hotel de Paris, it was clear that the new gearbox finally transformed the Quattroporte into a big - bucks luxury sedan that could truly compete with the Mercedes - Benz S - Class, the BMW 7 - Series, the Jaguar XJ, and the Audi A8.
Years of shrewd tuning and regular infusions of advanced technology have evolved the classic V - 12 Ferrari into the best grand tourer big bucks can buy.
When you get into an accident in one, your insurance company has to pay big bucks to fix it.
The Cruise is free and for twenty bucks anyone can get into the big SEMA Ignited party, so start planning now for next year.
There is more that goes into pricing your book than just making sure you are making big bucks for every book sold.
So now, if writers are going to take over the publishing duties and make the big bucks, they are going to need to understand how to get the books into the distribution system in a more efficient manner beyond just listing them in three places and hoping.
«When I was 18, I had the privilege of becoming 50/50 partner on a new venture with former owner of largest construction company in Russia, then one thing led into another and at 22, I became close friends with two retired bank traders, who explained to me the concepts of limited liquidity, price, access to client's order books and how someone in the position with power to execute trading orders for the bank with the combination of those things could easily manipulate even a multi-trillion dollar market like forex and make big bucks,» says Chavkerov.
«When I was 18, I had the privilege of becoming a 50/50 partner on a new venture with the former owner of the largest construction company in Russia, then one thing led into another and at 22, I became close friends with two retired bank traders, who explained to me the concepts of limited liquidity, price access to clients» order books and how someone in the position with power to execute trading orders for the bank with the combination of those things could easily manipulate even a multi-trillion dollar market like forex and make big bucks,» says Chavkerov.
Well, the condo market is hot and developers convert these apartment buildings into condos to make BIG BUCKS.
A Millionaire is Made Ten Bucks at a Time By MMM MrMoneyMustache talks about the importance of small amounts and how they can turn into a big amount.
But as with another dog - related story I've covered at length, pet cloning, there's something distasteful about turning people's tears and grief into big bucks.
Whether it's a wedding, cremation, teeth - cutting ceremony, or the most prominent celebration, Nyepi, entire Balinese communities will put their year's savings into following tradition and spending big bucks on extravagant temples, offerings and processions.
He has a simple life of crime until he bumps into Michael whilst looking for bigger bucks.
I used to be a big fan of dead space, but I guess putting 60 bucks worth of effort into a single player game is far too much to ask in this generation.
Hansen has not managed to parlay this concept into the really big bucks like Al Gore, but he's not doing that badly for a taxpayer - paid government employee.
So companies are forced to buy fantasy fuel, fined big bucks if they do not, and punished if they get conned into buying fraudulent «renewable fuel credits» from «socially responsible» companies like Clean Green Fuel, Absolute Fuels and Green Diesel.
Solena uses the gasification - Fischer - Tropsch process and has invested big bucks ($ 600 million) into the technology
«For One Lawyer, Blogging Brings Big Bucks Main Lost Pants Morph Into Lost Business, Lost Lawsuit and, Now, Likely Lost Job»
Don't get into a position where you have to sell, or it could cost you some big bucks.
The question of how best to handle big litigation that can turn into big bucks was tackled by Suzanne Hathaway, vice president, general counsel with Keyera Corp., Charmaine Toms, general counsel of MNP LLP, and Thomas Warren, a partner with Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP.
Installing a hot tub into the back of a car ensures that the market for the vehicle is going to be very, very limited, so don't bank on your personal tastes bringing in big bucks.
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