Sentences with phrase «big business interests»

During his campaign to become New York City's mayor, Bill de Blasio held himself out as a champion of the average New Yorker who would diminish the clout of big business interests at City Hall.
A few months ago on this blog I reviewed the current alarming state of climate change denial pushed by big business interests, which scientists need to debate vigorously beyond uttering the evident truth that climate change is real.
Similarly, she'll need to prove that she's attuned to the needs of the middle class — a feat sure to be difficult, as critics point to her ties to Wall Street and other big business interests.
While big business interests are not welcomed by all, they are a critical component in delivering a growing volume of Australian Certified Organic products to an ever - expanding network of consumers across the country and the region.
Seems like a few of the big name guys have kept the southern bible belt going in their pockets, and using their political clout to advance big business interests, and keep the status quo moreso that practicing religion on a truly christian level anyway!!
The report, «The Committee to Save New York's 1 %,» examines the key forces behind the Committee to Save New York, a coalition of big business interests closely aligned with Governor Cuomo, which has spent historic sums on a public relations effort designed to push the Cuomo agenda.
«Why would the governor ask labor to voluntarily disarm, while leaving big business interests free to spend unlimited amounts on behalf of their candidates.»
The analysis found the reliance to be especially strong for members from vulnerable House seats, such as Katko, and those who serve on committees that typically attract contributions from big business interests.
Instead, the Alliance is clearly being structured to serve big business interests, not to address the climate crisis.
While Obama's stated goal with the overall act was to «speed up the patent process so that innovators and entrepreneurs can turn a new invention into a business as quickly as possible,» many commentators have theorized that the new rules actually benefit big business interests who can afford to apply for patents proactively, and who have the capital to pay the legal costs of patent filing.
The potentially explosive mix of big business interests and politicians that triggered Fox's demise is the subject of an investigation by the cabinet secretary, Sir Gus O'Donnell.
The DLC, which Clinton chaired before being elected President, was organized in 1986 by big business interests to erase the Democrats» progressive New Deal legacy and to oppose the progressive Democrats who had coalesced around Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition campaigns of 1984 and 1988.
She insists, however, that she remains a grassroots - based candidate, and continues to try to pain her opponent, former Assembly Minority Leader John Faso, as an Albany insider and tool of big business interests.
A troubled clergyman takes on a dangerous mission against a corrupt group of big business interests.
We are answerable to Governments and Governments are answerable to Big Business interests.
But Hauter also offered a motivational spark, saying, «We must redouble our efforts to build a movement that holds our elected officials accountable — and that provides a counterweight to the big business interests that continue to look out only for profits.»
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