Sentences with phrase «big economic interest»

And have created this fantastic meme that it is the scientist side of this discussion that has a big economic interest in it.
It also contributes to alienation from politics, and ultimately from democracy itself, because the power of big economic interests to get their way demonstrates to everyone else their powerlessness and encourages a belief that political activity is pointless.

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Higher interest rates are viewed as the second biggest threat to the economic expansion, behind protectionism.
However, the bigger concern is that this is one more threat to your retirement nest egg, on top of low interest rates, a low - growth economic outlook, uncertain stock markets and potential government cuts to other programs, such as health care and nursing - home subsidies.
If we came to learn that excessive household debt posed a bigger threat to economic growth than does a certain level of government debt, then policy makers would want to take that into account when setting interest rates.
His biography contains elements of an epic novel: growing up the son of a jailed Trotskyist labor leader in whose Chicago home he met Rosa Luxembourg's and Karl Liebknecht's colleagues; serving as a young balance of payments analyst for David Rockefeller whose Chase Manhattan Bank was calculating how much interest the bank could extract on loans to South American countries; touring America on Vatican - sponsored economics lectures; turning after a riot at a UN Third World debt meeting in Mexico to the study of ancient debt cancellation practices through Harvard's Babylonian Archeology department; authoring many books about finance from Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire [1972] to J is For Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception [2017]; and lately, among many other ventures, commuting from his Queens home to lecture at Peking University in Beijing where he hopes to convince the Chinese to avoid the debt - fuelled economic model off which Western big bankers feast and apply lessons he and his colleagues have learned about the debt relief practices of the ancient civilizations of MesoEconomic Strategy of American Empire [1972] to J is For Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception [2017]; and lately, among many other ventures, commuting from his Queens home to lecture at Peking University in Beijing where he hopes to convince the Chinese to avoid the debt - fuelled economic model off which Western big bankers feast and apply lessons he and his colleagues have learned about the debt relief practices of the ancient civilizations of Mesoeconomic model off which Western big bankers feast and apply lessons he and his colleagues have learned about the debt relief practices of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia.
China's biggest lenders are in the midst of a revival, posting faster profit growth and generally healthier net interest margins after years of rising bad debt as economic growth slowed down.
This implies any given increase in policy interest rates is likely to have a bigger economic impact than was the case pre-crisis.
The biggest change in CBO's economic projections is related to interest rates.
«We want to see an economic development corporation that's actually accountable to the people, not big special interests who are so influential and seemed to have dictated what happened in this case,» Taylor said.
Yet it seems that, even in the Harper era, the far bigger factors in this sensitive bilateral relationship are substantial economic interests and, as Kent's telling anecdote illustrates, complex behind - the - scenes diplomatic ties.
Their biggest fear - and ours - is that a cyclical economic downturn or rising interest rates would lead to further cuts in investments.
The economic literature has generally found that rather than increasing homeownership, the mortgage interest deduction encourages people to buy bigger homes and by taking on more debt.
To be sure, small shop owners have an economic interest in ending Sunday shopping, since the practice disproportionately favors big - box retailers.
A recovery in the value of dairy products, New Zealand's biggest export, may bolster the nation's economic growth and make the central bank wary of cutting interest rates much further to boost weak inflation.
But the state seems more interested in big ticket economic development projects, like a new sports stadium.
A new governor will appoint people who are more attuned to the needs of the state — more interested in preserving the environment rather than selling it to developers, more interested in finding alternatives to the ever - expanding road building, more interested in serving the little guy rather than big business, and less interested in legislating social policy than planning economic development.
Two big themes coming out of Tuesday's address are economic populism and a «new willingness to fight» entrenched conservative interests, said Adam Green of the Washington - based Progressive Change Campaign Committee.
Coupling the Celtic Tiger to the euro was a disaster, it was inevitable that when economic cycles were asynchronous the big core EU countries would set interest rates to suit themselves.
If you live in a society that creates incentives and rewards innovation in a way that allows everyone to participate in economic opportunities and there is ACCOUNTABILITY in all levels then foreign interests and in extend who actually governs are irrelevant in the big picture of prosperity.
Alan Duncan with his business interests is a distraction while Ken Clarke would be a big hitter to fight Mandy & expose Gordon Brown's economic mess.
But a big question hangs over their deliberations: Can the needs of relatively powerless young researchers hold their own against the large economic and political interests at stake for far more potent elements of the university system?
Setting the fact that the bias from big pharma (which we know include / control / owns dairy industry etc.) is real and even documented and not just potential, how can you compare the «potential» bias of somebody who has very high economic interest in having a specific result coming out of the study with that of somebody who is simply following a related social, scientific, religious, pratical etc. pattern?
The bank said the biggest risk to maintaining manageable affordability levels would be a sharp rise in interest rates, but many analysts believe that is unlikely to occur as long as global economic growth remains moderate and inflation pressures soft.
Economic trends have a big impact on the interest rate you'll receive.
OTTAWA — The Bank of Canada is holding its benchmark interest rate at 0.5 per cent and providing a deeper assessment of the risks associated with the big economic unknowns of a Trump presidency.
Now, she says, «the fact that Germany is playing such a big political and economic role means that people are interested in what we're doing.
«Many artists thrived here because they weren't interested in the big city ethos,» claims Genius co-curator Erica Dalya Massaquoi, «but robust artistic practice is now at risk in the rapidly changing cityscape marked by political, ideological, economic, and social disparities.»
Is the fulfillment of the insatiable wishes of unrestrained consumers a result of unbridled big business interests relentlessly pursuing a course of endless economic expansion, based upon the feckless consumption of the very resources needed for the survival of life as we know it?
It seems reasonable to assume the reason that this has been blown up to this degree, is that there is a severe economic interest in AGW, both from governments (carbon taxes), and big businesses — carbon trade, and so forth, all of these are potentially multi-billion dollar industries, who has a very large interest in at AGW is promoted, and proven true.
Concerns for personal economic interest in maintaining the «status quo» may work to the detriment of the «bigger picture» of waste stream diversion.
The other side — who expect big temperature jumps and catastrophic consequences — are accused of being ideologues, or interested in making an alarmist case in order to further their own careers as climate change activists, or authoritarian monsters who are less interested in saving the planet than in forcing their own left - wing economic order on the rest of the world.
While there has always been some big business advocacy for climate action it has, with a few exceptions, been largely driven by companies» sense of social responsibility rather than their immediate economic interest.
The big money in climate change involves firms, industries, and individuals who worry that their economic interests will be harmed by policies to slow climate change.
On the one hand were countries such as the U.S. who insisted that the Kyoto architecture was unfair to their economic interests given that their biggest competitors like China and India were not bound by such an agreement to bear any costs associated with emission reductions.
There was a lot of interesting interaction about Big Challenges — economic crisis, environmental crisis, peace and security crises, development, cyber and digital challenges, Arab Spring, innovation, the need for values, and the rise of African and Asia.
It would seem, however, that Spotify is eager to shore up more economic goodwill with potential investors, as well as the «big three» record labels that all have minority stakes in the company and an interest in seeing its IPO do well.
This whole big bag of dirty tricks is ultimately attributable to CREAcrats and OREAcrats (Ontario) etc., who want to keep their individual gravy trains rolling in the name of looking out for «your» (formerly my) economic interests.
One big question is will interest rates stay low long enough and economic conditions continue to improve to allow more people to enter the housing market or will there be one more reason to push the largest generation in history away from the American Dream.
Low interest rates engineered by the Federal Reserve to stimulate economic growth have helped fuel a recovery in U.S real estate that has lifted prices on top - tier properties in big cities 17 percent above peaks reached in November 2007, according to an index from Moody's Investors Service and Real Capital.
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