Sentences with phrase «big glass of red wine»

It is almost inevitable for something to be spilled or dropped like a nice big glass of red wine or a heaping plate of spaghetti.
I really can't wait for a big glass of red wine.
A bowl of this and a big glass of red wine would make my night.
As seen on TV: After insane days at the office, Olivia Pope likes to relax with a big bowl of popcorn and a bigger glass of red wine.

Not exact matches

It could be 70 degrees out, and come Friday night, my taste buds crave a big plate of comfort... and a glass of red wine.
To continue date night once we're home from the festival, we're going to dive into this wine braised beef and parsnip purée with a big glass of red.
Incredulous, I pulled out big - bowled red wine glasses, midcentury - styled crystal white wine glasses, the last remaining wine glass of my grandmother's, a half - pound chalice from The Madonna Inn.
I sometimes have a glass or two of wine with dinner — big, bold reds like Cabernet are my favorite — and when the craving strikes, I'll end with a home - baked dessert or a trip to our favorite fro - yo spot.
I also wasn't big on drinking alcohol, but enjoyed a glass of red wine about once a week.
Eating a really warm, big bowl of zucchini noodles and meat sauce with Parmesan cheese on top, having a glass of red wine, and then eating a piece of chocolate afterwards — I'm like good to go.
«But nothing beats the feeling of harvesting the last field of rice and taking that big deep breath of «phew, another year over» and then going home to your wife, pups and a glass of dark red wine
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