Sentences with phrase «big green effort»

We must all try to make a Big Green effort to be part of the real food solution.
The next big green effort will be something customers can take home with them.

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Michelle Wie has tried a variety of ways to get the ball in the hole on the green so her most recent effort, done with tongue firmly implanted in cheek, should come as no surprise to fans of the Big Wiesy.
Pimples on your butt / arms / thighs / checks: You could be deficient in Omega 3, Vitamin A, or Vitamin D. Make a big effort to eat foods high in those nutrients: salmon, sardines, grass fed dairy, leafy greens, and orange / red fruits and veggies.
I get more than enough fiber from the low carb bread and green veggies I eat, but have to make an extra effort to drink enough water to go along with it, even though I've always been a big water drinker.
Education Secretary Justine Greening said the findings underlined «the importance of focusing our efforts in more disadvantaged areas where we can make the biggest difference».
Alternative fuels are something that the ALMS and Corvette Racing really want to promote, and we're making a big effort to become greener.
So when you're looking for that next little change that can help you have a bigger impact and thinking about switching to eBooks, here's the rundown of how they help (and maybe even hinder) efforts towards green living.
The North Kohala coast's Hawaii Island Retreat in Hawi was one of 13 businesses in Hawaii, and the only one on the Big Island, recently recognized with a 2014 Hawaii Green Business Award for «outstanding and innovative clean energy efforts
Rounding out the package are bots that can be used to make up the numbers in the case of absent players, survival modes and other assorted solo content but really, Porcunipine's charms are best experienced locally with friends and it's this that makes Big Green Pillow's effort so perilously engaging.
A newly announced partnership between the world's biggest private coal mining company and coal - burning country cuts against recent efforts to paint China green because of its push on manufacturing wind turbines and solar panels.
Led by China and America, support for green tech is rapidly becoming one of the biggest industrial - policy efforts ever.
In an effort to deal with all this waste in a green way, New York - based BioHitech has developed a device that breaks food waste down into grey water and connects to a cloud system to allow the company to tap the power of big data to monitor and improve the performance of the units.
Most of the «Big Green» NGOs have long ago given up on any serious effort to save the environment.
But your small efforts really do add up to something bigger, such as increasing demand for green products and services, which also creates more green jobs.
Earlier this month, Seitz provided Midwest Energy News with materials from Greenwich Neighbors United (GNU) in Huron County as an example of «the efforts of local folks... to fight «Big Green Wind.
At last weekend's 15th annual Millennium Awards thrown by Global Green, LA's biggest environmental organization, the honored guests included actor Mark Ruffalo for his anti-hydrofracking efforts, and finally, Ed Begley Jr. got a prize!
Like others here, being green can involve a little effort with some big rewards.
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