Sentences with phrase «big insight»

One of the primary purposes of buyer persona development is to communicate big insights, not be the end means itself.
When I began to fully grasp the relationship between money and time, my first big insight was that wealth isn't necessarily an abundance of money — it's an abundance of time.
«We always like to ensure the players are fully educated on that fateful day in 1989 so to be able to invite Margaret and Sue down again has given the boys an even bigger insight into the fight that the families have faced.
«Buyerology Trend: Think BIG Insights vs. BIG Data Main Buyerology Trend: Think Buyer Network vs. Buyer»
While investments in BIG data surged in the past two years, investing in BIG insights will gain more attention as B2B Marketers continue to struggle making sense out of data and analytics.
Thousands of students later we're still proud of how well this combination works «but we ourselves have gained an even bigger insight into our product.
The result is Big Data + Big Insight = Big Understanding.
Professional psychics like myself hear voices, see images in the mind's eye, have feeling sensations and strong intuitive knowings that can tell us the name of a client's first pet as well as bigger insights like which unexamined traumas are holding a client back and what opportunities are in a client's future.
The second big insight is that this plan essentially treats Social Security as the guaranteed - income portion of your retirement portfolio.
And that's really the big insight.
«Our biggest insight,» says Dunn of Bonobos, «was that customers didn't have to walk out of our store with a purchase to be happy with their experience.»
From all the stories in this book, that's the biggest insight and the true meaning of «work it.»
The hitch is that big data doesn't automatically translate into big insights, says Robert Levy, president of Toronto - based research and branding firm BrandSpark International, which develops quantitative consumer survey methods.
During the 100 - woman focus group, Zak thought her biggest insight would be about the app.
As a result, I came away from the experience with two big insights.
Sometimes the biggest insights can come from the smallest things.
I recently used this quote from a V.P. of Sales to highlight a big insight gap, which exists for CMO's and CSO's.
Let me give you voices from recent interviews to illustrate a big insight gap:
Pingback: 5 Actions Chief Marketing Officers and Chief Sales Officers Can Take to Bridge the Big Insight Gap -LRB--RRB-
I recommend these five actionable pillars to build a bridge to big insights.
CMO's and CSO's oftentimes can get on the same page by meeting at the center of the Big Insight Bridge.
Right now, we have a big insight gap.
To meet the big objectives and get answers to the big questions, CMO's and CSO's will need to build a Big Insight Bridge.
Keep in mind that it's okay to go off - script and follow up on conversational clues that can lead to big insights.
Are you ready to invest in the BIG insights that will guide your organization to exactly what that relationship is suppose to look like?
Giving us the BIG insights that can help us to plan for a future in ways buyers have yet to envision even for themselves.
«That was one of the biggest insight drivers for us.»
In the course of my career as a sociologist of religion I made one big mistake and had one big insight (arguably not such a bad record).
The big insight was that pluralism undermines the taken - for - grantedness of beliefs and values.
Cherie wouldn't be Cherie if she acknowledged them, and perhaps her contradictions offer the biggest insight of all.
«This is really a beautiful result and a big insight derived from a remarkably inexpensive student satellite, illustrating that good things can come in small packages,» said Baker.
My first tip gives you big insight into how you should end it.
And so while Coco is undoubtedly one of 2017's best family - oriented animated films, and a heartwarming and beautiful one as well, it's unfortunate that the movie's biggest insight is that Pixar's golden age of storytelling may be behind it.
As talked to lots of teachers when we were launching ClassDojo, the big insight was the other half of education that's almost completely unaddressed by tech is the nonacademic half, the side that goes beyond facts to developing who you are.»
Its big insight seems to stem from a deeper understanding of the «job to be done» for which parents hire after - school learning solutions.
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