Sentences with phrase «big issue»

The phrase "big issue" means a significant problem or topic that is important and has a widespread impact on many people. Full definition
Then again - I have a much bigger issue with keyboards.
One series of dialogue is a fun interaction that can make players laugh; the next one after that makes players think of bigger issues of freedom and life.
I haven't played those, but since they were on less powerful systems the graphics wouldn't be as big an issue for me.
All that said, I see someone very strong, dealing with big issues in just the right way.
Couples who agree on big issues such as their feelings on debt will have a much easier time setting a budget.
Ask yourself: What are the five biggest issues facing the world today in which science can play a part?
In case of humble man not big issue is attached with it.
But, this isn't as big an issue as Ox was.
Now, these holes don't seem like big issues at the beginning.
You should have a general understanding of what your physical deficits are, how to manage them, improve them, and prevent them from becoming bigger issues.
The other big issue when it comes to home loans is your income.
In my view, the much bigger issue for the future is elsewhere.
Maybe we ought to think about what drives decisions about bigger issues.
This is a big deal, which can become an even bigger issue if it meets no opposition at all!
The latter aren't really big issues, but sure do break the immersion.
I make a regular practice of linking other blogs that completely agree with me on big issues like beverages and regard me as a hero.
We have also been able to tackle bigger issues like potty training, jumping, and now our guests are able to enter our home without being attacked.
My other big issue with the car is its performance in the snow.
This situation helped me notice an even bigger issue in my school.
These are three complex, flawed women dealing with very big issues in their lives.
You'll just have other, perhaps bigger issues, than sex.
Another shift of the news to distract from bigger issues that this administration wants swept under the rug?
There is one more big issue coming that could disrupt the entire legal profession: artificial intelligence.
Also, we're running into big issues with cart storage.
But perhaps the single biggest issue for the automatic model is that «manual» shifts are accessed via a switch on the side of the shifter.
BUT none of that should be too big an issue so long as the gameplay itself is on point, right?
But in addition to that, the one big issue there was nuclear.
If implemented, big issues surrounding how a lawyer is to be paid for the work that they do will have to be dealt with.
A far bigger issue with these wraps is their complexity.
If you answered yes to any of those questions, we've got bigger issues that we're not equipped to help you with.
Once you are home and the rituals such as funeral or memorial service is behind you, the next big issue often revolves around how a couple gets along and moves ahead.
Virtually every parent faces the same big issues regarding the health and happiness of their families.
CB and CF are still big issues and do not address the fact why we didn't win the league last year when all other big teams fell by the side.
What big issues have you addressed in your books and how you did you do it?
The other big issue lies in the difficulties in its measurement.
And that's a good tip that even an edit of a few pages can help us see bigger issues.
We are, and will, face a great deal many bigger issues before that ever becomes a problem.
Maybe not a problem with keyboard mouse, but it's pretty big issue with analog sticks.
The second big issue on the negotiating table is the level of cuts to carbon emissions and by when they will be reached.
«I'd want to ask my folks about how big this issue is on our campus compared to other issues we face,» he said.
This may be a three - hour 15 - minute Turkish movie, but it's utterly riveting in the way it explores big issues through lively, edgy characters.
> It's odd that in other scientific fields financial incentive and confirmation bias are considered big issues.
Now if you have been diagnosed with one of these conditions already, it won't be a real big issue, it just makes getting insurance now all the more urgent.
Nothing big issue need, just follow a straight way.
This is the first big issue to face the international team, but others soon follow.
As with every other premium compact crossover, though, there is one big issue holding the car back: it's price tag.
It shouldn't be the party's only big issue, but nor should it be dropped.
Other big issues include health, career and financial stability.
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