Sentences with phrase «big oil»

He also voted for $ 40 Billion in tax breaks for big oil while cutting funding for alternative energy development.
Since funding from the other side is private, it is strongly attacked as coming from big oil companies.
Analysts are guessing that the world's biggest oil producer could be worth anywhere from $ 1 trillion to $ 10 trillion.
With big oil companies — and many countries — needing the current price to double to more than $ 60 a barrel to break even on their current investments.
Heck, welfare and unemployment assistance are limited, why not Big Oil's?
This is purely all about big oil and coal, taxes and money.
I am expecting a large cheque from big oil at any time.
So the next question is whether there's an argument for holding big oil in particular liable.
It has also been embraced by some of the province's biggest oil sands producers.
Even big oil companies with expansive security budgets can't keep the bad guys out.
Many consider the smart grid to be the next big oil (though it'll have to compete with water for that title).
Think how much bigger the oil industry is, and the tobacco industry, and you get an idea of what their goals is.
This explains why most big oil companies support a carbon tax, which will hurt coal much more than oil.
These days, for a healthy rate of growth, tech should form the foundation of the typical investor's portfolio, going where banks and perhaps Big Oil used to be.
We won't let big oil companies or the federal government push us around.
«We'll see whether big oil acknowledges the scientific consensus and its role in causing climate change or doubles down, once again, on deception,» he said in a statement.
Several big oil companies routinely write scenarios for different ways the energy markets play out.
And all three Big Oil corporations now advocate for a price of carbon as the best way to manage the climate crisis.
You might expect big oil operators to keep their innovation in - house.
As they put more money in the smaller, pure - play companies that focused on one industry vertical, Big Oil began to trade at a discount.
If you worked for an oil company, and then suddenly were out and about protesting big oil and practicing against what your company stands for, they won't keep you around long.
Here's how Big Corn could really replace Big Oil.
I see you love big Oil from the names that paid you.
We believe that by joining hands across perspectives and constituencies and backgrounds, we can build something durable and stronger than the entrenched big oil opposition we fully expect to take on.
Could be the cooked computer models are the ones sponsored and paid for by corporate entities that have something to lose, like say for instance Big Oil, just to name one.
Their 2015 energy report is an eye - opening example of how serious Big Oil is getting about throwing coal under the climate bus.
He has assembled a cabinet of big oil all - stars.
I do believe she's been accused of everything from being on big oil's payroll to having become mentally ill.
But it's not just the massive yearly tax breaks for Big Oil that comprises the advantage fossil fuels have over renewables — it goes deeper than that.
Yes, that's right — most «socially responsible» funds screen out companies that sell alcohol, tobacco and firearms, but not big oil and gas companies.

Phrases with «big oil»

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