Sentences with phrase «big picture perspective»

Jason takes the small clues and gives you an insightful big picture perspective through storytelling that you won't find anywhere else.
From a big picture perspective, the company will grow as more people move into the province — more than 100,000 people moved into the region last year — and as incomes grow.
A handful of quarters and dimes may not sound impressive at first, but from a big picture perspective, Apple will be sending its investors $ 13.2 billion annually — nearly 30 % of its earnings over the last four quarters, and nearly enough to match Twitter's total value by market cap: $ 14.1 billion.
Your manager can provide you bigger picture perspectives about the company and career development in general.
Only when they possess this big picture perspective can they effectively guide their sales team along the path to success.
Normally this indicates the ability to take the initiative and maintain the big picture perspective, both of which are required to be a leader, if kept in balance.
«I would encourage anyone to get involved in organized real estate because it gives you a big picture perspective, insight into emerging trends and the opportunity to talk with other Realtors from throughout North America who are happy to tell you about what works for them.»
We spend a great deal of time emphasizing the importance of maintaining a big picture perspective as both investors and traders.
We're taking a big picture perspective across neuromuscular diseases to uncover breakthroughs for treatments and cures.
At MDA, we take a big picture perspective across the full spectrum of neuromuscular diseases to uncover scientific and medical breakthroughs that accelerate treatments and cures.
As a counselor, I recognized that in yoga, we have to feel safe; we have to be able to suspend and switch off our flight or fight systems, or it simply isn't yoga from the bigger picture perspective.
You may not receive the undivided attention you were hoping for, but keep a big picture perspective and don't take these situations personally.
Whether we pay for a professional developmental editor or not, we need the big picture perspective from someone to ensure our story is the best it can be.
However as long as we are above this neckline drawn below, the benefit of the doubt goes to the bulls from a big picture perspective.
If that big picture perspective is not carefully explained first, what is meant by «save more» can easily be lost.
ABOUT THE SERIES The Tropes vs Women in Video Games project aims to examine the plot devices and patterns most often associated with female characters in gaming from a systemic, big picture perspective.
The Tropes vs Women in Video Games project aims to examine the plot devices and patterns most often associated with female characters in gaming from a systemic, big picture perspective.
But from a big picture perspective, all the talk in the environmental movement about going off - grid has been over-hyped.
In addition to providing practical tips, the book offers a big picture perspective that I found helpful as a newer lawyer.
From a big picture perspective, this is a potential home run.
There are a lot of factors driving fear in cryptocurrency markets at the moment, but from a big picture perspective, you can really focus on three factors: governments, whales, and ICO madness.
I work closely with my clients to understand thier unique selling points and then create resumes that consistently drive those home through achievements connected to the overall mission and vision of a company, demonstrated understanding of the impact on thier work from a big picture perspective.
I've been using the BSC approach with coachees to push them into telling their stories from a big picture perspective and its proven to be quite transformational.
Another reason is that this will refresh your big picture perspective.
Consistent ability to dive deep into the details while maintaining a big picture perspective for steady program leadership.
Your summary offers your readers a big picture perspective of your career brand and candidacy and, as such, should highlight your strongest brand attributes.
From a big picture perspective, Brexit is clearly going to be an absolute disaster / huge opportunity (delete as applicable!)
From a big picture perspective, Brexit is clearly going...
When putting together your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile you should focus on creating a «big picture perspective» of your responsibilities and accomplishments.
«I would encourage anyone to get involved in organized real estate because it gives you a big picture perspective, insight into emerging trends and the opportunity to talk with other Realtors from throughout North America who are happy to tell you about what works for them.»
@Felipe Villagran - I like the strategy from a big picture perspective, but need a lot more info to give advice on this deal.
Storer: From a big picture perspective, we provide financing to senior living providers but we also finance their landlords and the REITs, which are very active in the space.
This is a real issue, but it's important that you look at it from a big picture perspective.
«With the launch of this strong corporate Web site, clients can now get a «big picture perspective.
When I have anxious thoughts I try to focus on a big picture perspective and I'm getting better at that as I get older.
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