Sentences with phrase «big plunge»

The phrase "big plunge" means taking a significant or large risk or making a major decision that involves a lot of uncertainty and potential consequences. Full definition
That's a mighty big plunge for the centre of global capitalism.
When the company first proposed Keystone in 2008, oil was suffering an even bigger plunge and the global economy was collapsing.
What was happening was the biggest plunge for U.S. equities in more than six years.
Here are some things you should do — and know — before taking the big plunge.
Natural - gas prices dropped 11 %, in the biggest plunge in more than six years, as traders locked in profits from the commodity's weather - driven rally.
U.S. stocks rallied Tuesday as a late surge helped them regain almost half their losses from the day before, when they had their biggest plunge in 6 1/2 years amid heavy trading and huge swings for the market.
Get ready for your big plunging.
Maybe Barton is dissing Arsenal because he wants our odds to blow right out while he is readying a big plunge so he can collect big time
It definitely is a lot of maintenance, so you should only do it if you know you're ready for the big plunge (and ready to set up a lot of hair appointments ha!)
So, I took the «big plunge» this weekend; I turned 30!
Are you ready to take the big plunge, dive into the sex pool and swim a few laps.
However, there are a few tips for online dating advice that one should consider before taking the big plunge into the online dating world.
Adult dating has literally exploded over the past decade, with so many more men and women opting to have some no strings fun rather than deciding to take the big plunge and getting married.
Here are some things you should do — and know — before taking the big plunge.
A recent study sponsored by BMO InvestorLine also caught our eye this past week as it took a look at the financial plunge associated with taking the big plunge.
Finally, don't panic and sell just after a big plunge.
We are here to help you get ready for your new family member, as and as soon as you're ready to take the big plunge.
«They're taking the big plunge into the big ocean because they're starving to death.»
When we took the big plunge, we set up a week of nonstop distraction.
When people make the big plunge and purchase a home, they will usually be taking on the financial liability of a mortgage.
Haven't made the big plunge to PPC but will look at it for early 2013.
Like I said, I'm new to this and am trying to learn as much as I can but just am not sure how to actually jump into the first deal and take the big plunge.
At time of publication, one bitcoin was valued in excess of $ 5,000 U.S. dollars, and that was after taking what Business Insider called «its biggest plunge» in a month.
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