Sentences with phrase «big promoter»

The phrase "big promoter" refers to someone who enthusiastically supports or champions a person, idea, product, or event. They actively spread information about it to encourage others to participate or engage with it. Full definition
«If you manage to turn unhappy customers into happy ones, then they can become even bigger promoters of your business than they would have had they had a more positive experience from the beginning.»
He created a popular series of shows at the Gardens that bundled dinner with a package of bands, and used that to beat out bigger promoters for an exclusive contract with the venue.
Francis was a big promoter of last year's peace deal with the rebel group but in visiting Colombia he will have to be sensitive to the viewpoints of the large number of conservative Roman Catholics who voted against the accord in a nationwide referendum.
the church is the biggest promoter of h.omophobia in the world.
My kids think it's really cool to have a fabric shop in their home and are some of my biggest promoters; they are always telling people about it and encouraging other moms to sew for their own children.
I am not at all a big promoter of low - fat foods, but to start off a meal with a high fat meat spread, move onto a main meal that has vegetables cooked in lard, then very fatty meats put in and cooked slowly... OMG!
Klein had been a big promoter of Wireless Generation during his days as chancellor.
«From a music standpoint, Live Nation is one of the biggest promoters in the country, and they tell us that this venue rivals any other venue in the country,» said Onondaga County Executive Joanie Mahoney.
Welcome to the headquarters of Rhône - Poulenc Ag Company, one of the world's biggest producers of pesticides — and soon to be one of its biggest promoters of genetically engineered crops.
In regards to nutrition, one of the biggest promoters of aerobic function is the hormone leptin.
I told her that she needs to send you some FREE Honeyville's Blanched Almond Flour b / c you have been a big promoter of their Almond Flour..
He's a big promoter of deep breathing when it comes to stress management and overall wellness, and so am I!
Those red shoes are TDF and how sweet your hubby is your blog's biggest promoter.
Considered one of New York's biggest promoters of the trend that sees rich, older men hooking up with young women who want to be spoiled and supported, Schneider is renowned for throwing lavish Sugar Daddy parties.
60 Minutes Sports, Season 2013, Episode 5: Darts has become an international big - money sport and Mark Phillips talks to its biggest promoter, Barry Hearn, and Phil «The Power» Taylor, its top player.
From here the animals hook up with a circus and make their way across Europe in order to to impress a big promoter in Rome and earn themselves a booking in New York thereby returning to Central Park Zoo.
It is critical that you be your biggest promoter and get the word out.
What many people may not realize that the biggest promoters of this concept even today are actually life insurance companies who use it to sell term life insurance and mutual funds.
In fact, Dave Ramsey himself (one of the biggest promoters of the envelope system), doesn't use the envelope system.
Unfortunately, human nature is one of the biggest promoters of the spread of hereditary problems like eye disease in purebred dogs.
Our president, founder and biggest promoter, Daniel Chavarria, began Profimercadeo S.A. in 1996 in order to meet a need in Costa Rica for consulting services to national tourism operators.
Daniel: Your seen as a big promoter of the HoN competitive scene and eSports in general.
I started my time clock on how long this would take as soon as Hugh left facebook after being such a big promoter for a while, I can't say I am surprised in the least.
Open to Political Favoritism and Corruption It's not a co-incidence that the biggest promoter of cap - and - trade until its demise was the Enron Corporation.
By 2050, electric power generation overtakes road transportation as the biggest promoter of warming.
Nicknamed «Clinton's Ditch» after New York mayor and later Governor Dewitt Clinton, its biggest promoter, the project was derided by many, including Thomas Jefferson, who said, «Talk of making a canal 350 miles through wilderness is little short of madness.»
Are they big promoters of the company?
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