Sentences with phrase «big role for government»

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Aside from modest federal savings and an end to the federal government's biggest role in the public financing of sports stadiums, repealing the exemption could also affect how cities and states approach public funding for such facilities, economists said.
That role should soon be getting bigger: The U.S. government is pushing for a 100 percent increase in renewable energy by 2012.
NEWSOME: One of the most obvious roles for the private sector is that the big data giants like Microsoft and Amazon and Google have data handling, data storage, data curating, data access, and data analysis techniques that are far in advance of what's available in universities and in government laboratories.
With Tron: Legacy «s Garret Hedlund in final talks to star as Kaneda, the gang leader, and Kristen Stewart offered the role of Ky Reed, a woman who is part of an underground movement to expose the government for turning orphans into living weapons (she also may possess some abilities herself), the big question now is who will play Tetsuo, the young man whose latent powers will release the powerful being known as Akira?
The role oil and our need for it plays in every level of government; why we have (and may always have) wars and violence because of it; and that some companies are just too big to face consequences, while others doing the same or less will be brought down to «set an example.»
To gauge public views on this subject, we asked half of our respondents to indicate which level of government should play the biggest role in three areas: 1) setting educational standards for what students should know; 2) deciding whether or not a school is failing; and 3) deciding how to fix failing schools.
The report by the National Center for Improving Science Education, a research «mini-center» funded by the U.S. Education Department, calls for a bigger role by the government in conducting research on needed science knowledge and skills, developing new forms of assessment in the field, and training science educators.
For the past three decades, public school accountability had generally been heading in one direction: toward common standards, standardized tests, and a bigger role for the federal government in shaping how states gauge student performance and improve schooFor the past three decades, public school accountability had generally been heading in one direction: toward common standards, standardized tests, and a bigger role for the federal government in shaping how states gauge student performance and improve schoofor the federal government in shaping how states gauge student performance and improve schools.
Even so, teachers called for the federal government to take on an even bigger role in education, saying they desired the federal government to provide 35 percent of all funding.
The government plans to spend # 50 million a year expanding existing grammar schools and also hopes to allow other schools to select based on ability, while also introducing a raft of measures to make it easier for new faith schools to open, and force universities and private schools to play a bigger role in the running of local schools.
Around # 50 million a year is expected to be spent on the expansion plans while the government will also introduce new measures making it easier for new faith schools to open, and force universities and private schools to play a bigger role in the running of local schools.
Today, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government, which had promised a «rethink» of Japan's post-Fukushima pledge to close all of the country's nuclear power plants, released a draft of a new energy plan which calls nuclear power an «important baseload electricity source» for the country, though it's vague on how big of a role nuclear will play in the country's energy load in the future.
Mokak recently delivered the Cranlana Programme's 2016 Medicine & Society Oration — you can read it in full here or listen to it via Radio National's Big Ideas program — saying the absence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the most senior roles in government is «disastrous for policy development and implementation because — largely — our perspectives are not at the table».
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