Sentences with phrase «big scary thing»

This locks in the big scary thing that DCA was supposed to save you from!
I think lots of us build it up to be this big scary thing when really it's not that bad.
This is a filed under Big Scary Things for me for two reasons.

Not exact matches

So, rather than focusing on a large, scary goal, take one thing at a time, and break the big goal into ideas you can digest one at a time.»
My life has been full of changes and some big and scary girl, but I have faith and knowing that I'm doing the best thing for myself as well as my family, and that the universe and God is right there beside me showing me the path I need to take.
They have been gradually moving away from their «source» of all things and exploring what can be a big, scary world for a little person.
This realization can be very uncomfortable for them, causing them a great deal of unease as they are concurrently beginning to realize that there is a whole, big, wide world beyond their safe, little home, and that that world is full of potential dangers, hazards unknown, and just a lot of really big, scary things.
Your mind will try to protect you from the big scary unknown of your awesomeness potential by telling you things like «It's not a good time right now,» or «I just need to finish paying off my student loans before I take any big steps.»
So people who do scary things like speak in front of big groups know this one thing for sure: They only tell the truth.
If things get too scary and even the insurance companies take fright, then the big daddy of all profit engines from climate change could be geoengineering.
The big, scary thing is often hiding in plain sight.
Why it's scary: Recognising the manipulations that lead to familiar horror tropes supplies a fair few frights, but the real terror begins when those big lift doors open... Although consistently funny as hell, Cabin in the Woods steers right into the full potential of its genre - wide horror knowledge when things really kick off, delivering brilliant pastiche at the same time as totally legitimate recreation.
Because there's a really big chance that you don't or won't agree with me... and that's a scary thing to face.
Unfortunately I'm afraid we all here these scary things and tend to overlook the good because going with a big publisher can also be a very, very good and positive thing, too.
The scary thing about the «Big Lie» is that the author has only to be convinced that this one lie is the truth, and all the other lies... become the truth.
In short, you've done a big, scary, amazing thing, and people all over the country (and maybe even the world) are now buying your book.
Default is one of those big, scary words.Defaulting on your student loan is an unfortunate thing, and can have a number of negative consequences.But there are things you can do to get out of it and fix the damage.
She still wasn't sure about me, but I was the best thing she had found in this big, scary world, and while she wasn't ready to run into my arms, she sure wasn't ready to let me go either.
It is a scary thing when a big family dog starts to take a disliking to a particular family member.
I am not a veterinarian but I do know what happens if you don't take care of your dog's teeth: Really nasty things that accumulate on the surface of the teeth and even scarier, at the gumline, can seep into your dog's bloodstream, travel to the dog's heart, and then bigger problems happen.
Well, not only did Summer help bring the puppy out of her shell, she quickly became her caretaker, nurturing and cleaning her puppy every morning and helping teach her all the wonderful things to see and do in the big scary world.
Keep him on familiar turf — Before you just throw him out into the big, scary world, work on building his trust with you and trust in the small things around him before making him engage in the bigger, more intimidating world.
I think a lot of people see science as this big, scary thing that is hard to understand, and that you're either a scientist or you're not.
The unsettling and the sad thing about this segment, is not the big scary illness coming for the character, but the fact that those around him did not notice that he was detaching himself from reality.
The thing to remember when you read big scary numbers on climate blogs is — the scientist's responsibility is to try to find all the relevant information and bring it all into the discussion (and figure out what's missing and needs more work).
I'm a big proponent of Feynman's and Schneider's descriptions of scientific ethics, and by their definitions the authors of the IPCC reports are «telling scary stories, etc.; things Schneider claims are acceptable when one wants to make the world a better place.
Usually, the scariest thing about a chopper barreling down the highways is the big, burley, short - tempered guy riding it — but atop the «GatorBike,» made with the skin and skull of a real alligator, even the scrawniest, meekest
The big thing everyone wanted to talk about today was the fact that I attended a congressional briefing on Wednesday where I spoke about my experiences regarding the Gulf Oil Spill.It was for Representative Markey's subcommittee and next to me were some eminent scientists who just got back from the Gulf and brought with them some scary knowledge.
Usually, the scariest thing about a chopper barreling down the highways is the big, burley, short - tempered guy riding it — but atop the «GatorBike,» made with the skin and skull of a real alligator, even the scrawniest, meekest of riders will seem menacing.
It's important to think big, but start small, because AI can be a scary thing.
There are so many big, scary things happening in my life right now, things I can't really talk about yet, but I wanted to share with you this table.
Among others things, there's going to be a scary hay ride for big kids, and a non-scary hay ride for little ones.
Also, as for the argument that it turns to wood alcohol in the stomach, not only do I think we'd have a few big lawsuits by blinded people by now, the fact is many things we consume (the cyanide in apple seeds for example) are genuinely alarming until you realize your stomach is a bag of hydrochloric acid and obliterates most scary sounding stuff.
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