Sentences with phrase «big skillet»

That way you'll know that you need a pretty big skillet, probably the biggest one you have, to make this dish.
You might have to do this part in stages depending on how big your skillet is.
Clean out that same big skillet, add a bit more butter or oil, and over medium - high heat saute the mushrooms, shallots and thyme along with a few pinches of salt and pepper.
To celebrate bringing in the New Year, I think one of my favorite things to do is dig into a Big Skillet New Year Cookiepalooza with lots of spoons and friends.
I'm going to need a bigger skillet.
And your phrase, I think I need a bigger skillet reminds me of Jaws... you know...» I think we're gonna need a bigger boat.»
Find your biggest skillet and place it on medium - low heat.
That would have taken forever, so I found the biggest skillet I own, poured in plenty of oil and ramped up production.
Is there anything better than a big skillet of corn bread?
I'm using a big skillet and a small tortilla, so the egg spreads out too much and I have to corral it back into a small circle shape before setting the tortilla on top.
She pre-boiled the potatoes and brought them that way - In the morning, just before breakfast she smashed them into a big skillet with some olive oil and salt - in a few minutes they were crispy and brown on the outside, hot on the inside, and the perfect complement to the frittata she threw together.
A pot of rice was put to boil and I threw a bunch of vegetables and a little curry powder into a big skillet.
I used two sturdy, anodized nonstick pans for this recipe: one pot for cooking the pasta, and a big skillet for cooking the chicken and butternut squash, before tossing everything together with the steamy pasta and baby kale leaves.
Use the biggest skillet you have as you want the cauliflower to evenly sauté.
What is better than a big skillet filled with chewy, tender and caramel loaded chocolate chip blondies?
Put your biggest skillet or a griddle over medium heat — I use my huge skillet that goes across two burners.
Start the ground round browning in your big skillet, over medium - high heat.
The breadcrumbs toasted away in a big skillet.
Yes, I could have used a big skillet to feed a crowd, but there are so many more moments when a small, solo - sized dish is all you need.
● So the easiest of the popular «Mongolian» dishes to make at home is the hot pot, which you can improvise with an electric work, a big skillet, or even a fondue set, plus a long list of ingredients from your nearest Asian supermarket (or available online).
Add a couple glugs of olive oil (roughly 3 tablespoons) to a big skillet over medium - high heat.
I like to use smaller skillets for Queso Fundido — this is about 6 - 7 inches, I think — because the queso disappears faster... which you want, because otherwise, in a big skillet, it might not get eaten fast enough and the cheese might start to firm up, which is always a tragedy of epic proportions.
For the calves liver, my mom caramelized a big skillet full onions in a scant 1/4» coating of bacon fat, seasoning the onions with some salt, pepper and a tad of sugar — that took about 20 minutes on moderately - high heat to get those onions seriously caramelized.
That said, they take quite a bit of time to (pre) heat to temperature and by the time you get one heated, I could cook four times as much «stuff» in a big skillet or on the grill.
Use the biggest skillet you have as you want the cauliflower to evenly sauté.
It didn't really matter tho because I ended up throwing the whole thing in my big skillet and cooking it like fried rice.
So grab a big bunch of collards from the farmers market this weekend, pull out a big skillet, and let's get some greens going!
In a big skillet, on a medium heat, heat up 2 tablespoons olive oil and 2 tablespoons of butter until melted.
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