Sentences with phrase «big softy»

The phrase "big softy" means someone who appears tough or strong on the outside, but is actually caring, gentle, and easily moved by affection or emotions. Full definition
Hanes Big Softy Prize Pack Giveaway Beauty and Fashion Diva is excited to be a part of this giveaway.
He is the biggest softy when he wants to be.
Eliot Spitzer is turning into a big softy.
I would like to think that I have a hard outside, but in reality I am a big softy.
I am strong; yet I can be the biggest softy sometimes.
Please be patient with me I find it very hard to open up and I can be very mistrusting of people at first but once I open up I'm a really a big softy I just have trust issues.
But it's not too much trouble because Dafoe's really a big softy.
Most understanding, it seems, is Willoughby (Woody Harrelson, giving us a tough shell for a man who's a big softy at heart), the police chief, who visits Mildred to go over the facts of the case again.
She has never shown any aggressive behavior and is just a big softy.
He's a big softy, loves a fuss and is very affectionate.
Though capable of brutal physical attacks, the Majin Teotl is a big softy.
This game is too scary for a big softy like me!
Despite his fearsome appearance, Klump was actually a big softy on the inside.
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