Sentences with phrase «big standard bearers»

Really big standard bearers for this have been the music videos by the Google arts team.

Not exact matches

A Republican turncoat, D'Amato is now among Andrew Cuomo's biggest fundraisers, collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in special interest campaign cash for the standard bearer of career politicians.»
If such a standard bearer from the old right - wing of the party is surplus to requirements, then Jeremy Corbyn's «big tent» has suddenly become a bivouac.
In elevating coastal liberals including Kerry (Mass.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) as party standard - bearers, Democrats advanced in their strongholds — Kerry did better in big cities in 2004 than Al Gore had in 2000, while faring worse overall.
While he believes Trump is the best candidate to be the Republican standard bearer for president, he said an added benefit is that a big vote for The Donald could help McGrath win, too.
With Coco, Pixar Animation Studios» take on the traditional Mexican celebration Día de Muertos, audiences are given a film that will become the standard - bearer of a positive example of what the Latino experience can look like on the big screen for years to come.
Pixar used to be the standard bearer for animation and now has kind of puttered into a big shoulder shrug.
The Honda Fit has been the standard bearer among subcompacts, cars bigger than a Mini Cooper and smaller than a Ford Focus.
«Windfall» follows a standard documentary template, «The Horrors of Big Business Exploiting Unwitting Small Towners», but there's a glaring difference from genre standard - bearers like Gasland, Crude, or Food, Inc — there are no horrors!
The liberal grass - roots movement gave birth to two huge stars over the last decade, one who rode a wave of anti-war support into the White House and the other who became the ideological standard - bearer in the fight against big banks and corporate...
Apple's iPhone 5 and Samsung's Galaxy S3 are kicking up dust both in terms of sales and as standard bearers for their respective operating systems - plus both have big updates coming soon.
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