Sentences with phrase «big universe»

Look up at the stars and remind yourself of how big the universe is.
It's just that these days, «word of mouth» extends across a much bigger universe.
To some it seems inevitable that there must be — it's a very big universe.
It's a great big universe, and odds are we're not alone in it.
I can't really understand how big this universe is.
But that's not all, apparently this huge shake - up that starts in Captain America 3 and runs through The Avengers 3 will lead to a level of instability that will allow Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet to wreak havoc, possibly in The Avengers 4 or some kind of big universe - wide team - up that could include The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy.
With big universes like Star Wars or Warhammer 40K, their games always feel more established because they have this history.
We animal lovers can spend so much time with each other, we lose sight of the fact that a whole big universe of people is out there - people who don't understand the human animal bond because they weren't taught the value of pets.
«One thing that's important about the Halo universe is it's a really big universe, and you've seen a palette of things.
They have a much bigger universe of potential investments than Buffett because of their size.
«This study emphasises just how big the universe of viruses — the virosphere — really is.
Its a big universe and none one is even close to having all the answers nor even understanding all the questions.
The others will be more offbeat, prestige fare completely unconnected to the big universe, in which they'll try to get big name directors and Oscar - caliber talent.
There's a big universe out there, but you've got to expand your mind past the arrogant crap that there's some kind of omnipotent being out there that was so negligent as to leave his «prized creations» alone with an agent of «his» biggest nemesis in «Paradise», while they were mentally no more than toddlers, having no «knowledge of good and evil».
you were doing good up until the «your brain is puny» part... that is the purest form of ignorance we, as humans, can impart on others... I was liking what you said about the fact that we don't know how big the universe is, and I also agree that most people have a limited definition of what they want to call an «alien».
That's not my wish — I do not care how big the universe is — and I hope there's some species somewhere that are better than we are.
Science and religion are two windows that people look through, trying to understand the big universe outside, trying to understand why we are here.
He and His Kind in their cellular universes and us Humanists» embodied buildings created by God in our ever so much bigger universe!
Living on a small planet in a big universe exposes us to all manner of existential problems, but what are the worst, and what are the weirdest?
«We don't know how common Earth - like planets are in our big universe.
But it's a big space out there, a big galaxy, a big universe.
Of course, every player finds a different meaning: how big the universe is, or the existence of different timescales, or how precious life is.
Dude... have you ever like... thought about how small we are... and how big the universe is...?
It's a good time to reflect on what a gift it is to be a part of this big universe and the rebirth of Spring.
It's a big universe out there and it's full of daunting challenges, but we're more than up to the task of doing what humans do best — strip mining all the planets we can find and subjugating their inhabitants!
Capcom's latest mash - up with what is now one of the biggest universes in cinematic history is interesting and seems in many ways to be the perfect storm.
«You've become part of a bigger universe.
Ten years ago, we became part of a bigger universe — we just didn't know it yet — when Samuel L. Jackson popped up for a cameo in Marvel's 2008 superhero blockbuster Iron Man to talk to Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark about the Avengers Initiative.
«You know, we first met Nick when he told Tony, «You're part of a big universe.
Iron Man's stinger was really the launchpad for the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe; it featured Samuel Jackson's Nick Fury introducing Tony Stark (and viewers) to «a bigger universe
The script suggests that the Earth and mankind are only a small and inconsequential part of a much bigger universe.
That's doubly true when your movie ends with a big universe - altering event like, say, half of your heroes disintegrating into dust.
Ever since Samuel L. Jackson first popped up at the end of Iron Man (2008) ten years ago and revealed to Tony Stark that he was a part of a bigger universe, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has sat on top of the film landscape that every movie studio envies.
Asked in early September 2017 about not being involved in the film he said: «I'm a little confused too, but yeah, there are a couple of things happening in the DC world... It's a big universe and when you play the Joker, there's no ownership there.
Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe.
Hashtags allow my Twitter messages to reach beyond my followers and tap into a bigger universe on Twitterville, folks who follow writing or publishing news.
For general authors and readers, this is the time when the future of discoverability and social reading will be brought to a much broader and bigger universe.
We want multiple platforms and devices for this game, where it makes sense,» adding it's «an exciting time to see the advent of all these new input devices and there's just more ways than ever to reach fans and make them a part of this big universe
I am very happy that (the console makers) continue to drive an expanded install base, so I've got a bigger universe to sell into.
And all the «big universe» sci - fi game elements you'd want are actually here (they're just not that great).
It's a big universe, who can say for sure?
With the IP Past Cure we had a bigger universe in mind.
They never felt truly expensive or did they make me feel like I was part of a big universe.
I say «should» and not «will» only because it's a big universe and somewhere someone will be the exception.
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