Sentences with phrase «bigger ice sheet from»

The ice field represents the remnant of an even bigger ice sheet from the last glacial period, and now feeds dozens of glaciers across the continent.
«The big ice sheets from the last Ice Age had melted, sea levels had risen to modern levels, and key ocean - atmosphere processes, such as the El Niño / Southern Oscillation, were established.

Not exact matches

Even relatively large calving events, where tabular ice chunks the size of Manhattan or bigger calve from the seaward front of the shelf, can be considered normal if the ice sheet is in overall balance.
The Ross Ice Shelf, a thick, floating tongue of solid ice the size of Spain, is the biggest of the many such barriers that ring Antarctica and keep its ice sheets from sliding into the sIce Shelf, a thick, floating tongue of solid ice the size of Spain, is the biggest of the many such barriers that ring Antarctica and keep its ice sheets from sliding into the sice the size of Spain, is the biggest of the many such barriers that ring Antarctica and keep its ice sheets from sliding into the sice sheets from sliding into the sea.
Yes, Virginia, There Was a Big Bang Scientists using a radio telescope atop the 10,000 - foot - high Antarctic ice sheet have detected a 14 - billion - year - old pattern from the Big Bang.
Enkelmann appreciates the challenge of collecting samples here because this range has the highest peaks of any coastal mountain range and is only 20 kilometers from the Pacific Ocean, but she points out that it is a tough area to study because of the big ice sheets.
However, a new study from a team of researchers led by University of Wisconsin - Madison Space Science and Engineering Center scientist, Claire Pettersen, describes a unique method involving cloud characteristics that could help answer some big questions about the Greenland Ice Sheet and its snowfall.
«It was the biggest collapse of its kind up to that point, and it served to demonstrate how ice shelves regulate the movement of ice from the interior of the ice sheet to the ocean.»
Chen's team calculated that the biggest contribution is coming from the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, which is losing about 250 gigatonnes of ice each year.
As the last ice age waned, floods from a melting ice sheet wafted big bergs as far as the Florida Keys
But the IPCC specifically excluded the mechanism able to produce the biggest amounts of water quickly - acceleration in the flow of ice from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, the world's two major ice masses that would between them raise sea levels by about 70m if they completely melted.
Amelia Shevenell from the University of South Florida specializes in big ideas about paleoceanography and the Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Seeking to now provide «a little bit of balance to this concept of unstoppable retreat» of the Antarctic ice sheet, Rignot clings to hope the global community can «actually, possibly, prevent some of the big ice sheets» from inevitably melting.
One of the biggest potential impacts on human affairs from sustained warming is coastal inundation as warming seas swell and fill with water flowing from melting ice sheets.
A big new Nature paper summarizing findings from one of the most important drilling projects on Greenland has important implications for the fate of the ice sheet in a warmer world.
One of the biggest sources on the graph is water from the Greenland ice sheet.
On the other hand, if by some chance and what ends up happening is totally independent of human activity, because it turns out after all that CO2 from fossil fuels is magically transparent to infrared and has no effect on ocean pH, unlike regular CO2, say, but coincidentally big pieces of the ice sheets melt and temperature goes up 7 C in the next couple of centuries and weather patterns change and large unprecedented extreme events happen with incerasing frequency, and coincidentally all the reefs and shellfish die and the ocean becomes a rancid puddle, that could be unfortunate.
Ancillary to Bob Loblaw's fine comment at 232, previous research has shown that ice sheet mass contributions from land - based ice sheets have exceeded thermal expansion as the biggest contributor to global sea level rise.
Interestingly, previous research has shown that ice sheet mass contributions from land - based ice sheets have exceeded thermal expansion as the biggest contributor to global sea level rise.
From KU Leuven and the «department of annoying back - radiation» comes this claim that flies in the face of the «big melt» under «thin clouds» aka nearly clear skies back in July 2012 Clouds play a bigger role in the melting of the Greenland ice sheet than was previously assumed.
Chen's team calculated that the biggest contribution is coming from the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, which is losing about 250 gigatonnes of ice each year.
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