Sentences with phrase «biggest budget deficit»

Whether we're talking about the «squeezed middle», the «cost - of - living crisis» or cutting the «biggest budget deficit in our peacetime history», it's fair to say that many Brits will be feeling pretty taxed already by the time the chancellor stands up to deliver his budget speech on Wednesday.
Some Republicans have complained the changes would cost too much at a time Washington is running big budget deficits.
Since then, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy have all been hit, vindicating our decision to tackle our own bigger budget deficit.
Still reeling from the effects of the 2008 recession, suburban governments across Greater New York and in New Jersey are closing big budget deficits with a measure of last resort: public - sector layoffs.
School districts around the country are planning massive layoffs as they struggle to bridge big budget deficits.
The GOP's tax overhaul may give a shot of adrenaline to the economy in the short term but will lead to bigger budget deficits over the next decade, InvestmentNews writes in an editorial.
Meanwhile, more hedge funds are trying to invest their funds into bitcoin in order to combat rapid inflation that is caused by big budget deficits.
O'Neil said he's skeptical about the assumptions that a Trump agenda of increased government spending and tax cuts will be fully enacted and lead to faster growth, higher inflation and bigger budget deficits.
The answer: higher taxes and bigger budget deficits.
We face the biggest budget deficit in our peacetime history.
The causal sequence, as I understand it, runs as follows: (1) Inadequate regulation of the financial sector leads to (2) crisis in the financial sector which leads to (3) crisis in the whole economy which leads to (4) falling tax revenues which leads to (5) a bigger budget deficit.
In May 2010, Gordon Brown lost his first general election as prime minister as Britain totted up its biggest budget deficit, due in part to a deeply unpopular bailout of two of the nation's largest banks.
«I could not help but be conscious that I represented the country with the biggest budget deficit of all,» Osborne said.
Apparently Britain has one of the biggest budget deficits in the western world.
We now have almost the same market interest rates as Germany, despite having a bigger budget deficit than Portugal, Greece and Spain.
12:06 - «What he left was the biggest budget deficit in Britain's peacetime history,» Cameron replies, predictably.
He described Ed Balls as the architect of the deepest recession, the biggest budget deficit and the largest housing crash.
In California, the state with the biggest budget deficits in the nation, many school districts are really packing them in.
With the country running the biggest budget deficit since the Second World War, something has to give.
According to Bloomberg, Saudi Arabia's government relies on oil for at least 80 % of its revenue and faces its biggest budget deficit in nearly 30 years (20 % of GDP, according to an estimate by the International Monetary Fund).
We are living through an era that has been called a financial repression, where the United States, Europe and Japan — all of these nations — have big budget deficits and large ratios of debt to GDP.
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