Sentences with phrase «biggest expenses among»

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Government figures cited by the Associated Press indicate that just 1.7 million people — out of a total non-farm labor force of some 136 million workers — earned the minimum wage or less in 2006; still the increase was a big political victory for the Democrats, one that came at the expense of lobbyists from the National Federation of Independent Businesses and the Chamber of Commerce, among others.
The Short Version: Floral arrangements are often among a wedding's biggest expenses, but they don't have to be... (read more)
The latter is an expense that not only varies widely among businesses, but also has a big impact on intrinsic value.
There's no mystery why: Among mutual fund companies, Vanguard has long been not only the biggest champion of index funds, but also the firm with the lowest annual fund expenses.
It found that the biggest concern among those with low financial wellness scores was keeping up with monthly expenses, cited by 62 %.
The CEO Deep Sea Fishing Extravaganza package includes among other standard amenities two whole days of deep Sea fishing on your own private boat where you'll be with one of the area's best captains sparing no expense angling big game fish.
Gas is among the biggest expenses for practitioners, so the more you can stay away from the pump, the better it is for your pocketbook.
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