Sentences with phrase «biggest missing piece»

I talked a bit earlier this week about updating my arm stack, and one big missing piece of the puzzle was a watch.
Higher BMI leads to higher risk for PPH, so this is a really big missing piece.
From the pictures, the biggest missing pieces look to be the payload and nose cone at the top.
Sarhan agreed with Kinahan that the Fed would ideally like to see more consumer spending before raising rates, but he also called attention to the housing market; citing mortgage rate hikes on Wednesday, Sarhan told Benzinga that real estate was the «biggest missing piece
The biggest missing piece is that the Snug Ride Click Connect 35 infant car seat doesn't have built - in lock - offs for the seat belt.
«This family is like a big missing piece of a puzzle that we found,» Marco Delbo, a planetary scientist at the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur in Nice, France, and the study's lead investigator, said.
It's one of the biggest missing pieces to the hypothyroidism puzzle that most people never figure out...
Resistant fiber may be a big missing piece of otherwise healthy diets — learn how they help promote healthy gut bacteria and overall health.
It's in the midst of all this busyness that we fail to recognize that the biggest missing piece to creating what we want in life is the space in which to do it.
February 2, 2015 • Many economists say a big missing piece of the economic puzzle is apprenticeships that give high school graduates access to good - paying, higher - skilled jobs in the trades.
These were first shown at Gamescom last year - having been taken from a version that players are only now getting to test - and are the biggest missing piece of Star Citizen's current vision.
«The big missing piece is the resolution of the main plot», and that's their main focus going forward.
The biggest missing piece was multiplayer, as the trailers and marketing around the game implied it would be a natural part of the story.
Energy storage remains the biggest missing piece of a natural - energy (wind and solar) economy.
Unfortunately, it appears clear that the biggest missing piece, a good model for dynamical melting that might begin to allow for a reasonable projection of the pace at wehich things will proceed, will definitely be too late for inclusion (unless an exception is made on the deadlines).
«The big missing piece has been something that fundamentally shifts the economics and dynamics.»
What's the biggest missing piece in Canadian blockchain law?
Mobile has, of course, been a big missing piece in Amazon's Alexa push.
The two biggest missing pieces are (1) doing assessment and (2) dealing with abuse.
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