Sentences with phrase «biggest question of all»

For my boyfriend, life makes perfect sense in the light of evolution, also when it comes to the «big questions of life».
As designers, we always want to solve problems — but instead, we should make problems by asking bigger questions of our clients and ourselves.
They are asking bigger questions of personal and metaphysical concerns, using the figure and its environment as a foil to explore the nature of existence.
Two cars crashing at an intersection bring up big questions of fault.
However, for either of them to survive raises big questions of how much of Deadpool 2 actually happened; if Wade saved Vanessa (and / or Peter), then events surely unfold differently (and he's the only one who remembers the original timeline)?
«What is at stake here is the much bigger question of what the World Council is for.
But the failure to deal with this perception allowed it to become entrenched — leaving Labour to play catch - up in the final weeks of the election campaign, with big questions of credibility still hovering over it.
The Dalai Lama has received this year's $ 1.7 million prize from the John Templeton Foundation, a Pennsylvania - based charity that supports research in the sciences, philosophy, and theology aimed at understanding «big questions of human purpose and ultimate reality.»
As a historian he wrote in a straightforward manner, attending to power relationships between states and unbothered by big questions of meaning.
It will also have to decide whether the review it will hold in a year is intended to cover only questions of process and application, or affords the opportunity for bigger questions of principle and purpose to be raised.
In early 2010 Richard recorded a series of television interviews with ABC news in which he discusses «Four Big Questions of Global Warming», «Disinformation and Medical Metaphors for Climate Change» and «Our Global Warming Game of Chicken».
According to Christopher Noble, professor at Azusa Pacific University, students there and at similar institutions study Great Books, ponder big questions of the Good and of God, and hone their skills as «people of the book.»
«This answered the first big question of how opening of the envelope trimer is triggered,» Dr. Blanchard says.
Spielberg bakes endless fun and invigorating, futuristic chase sequences into a screenplay that contemplates big questions of fate and free will.
The rare blend of comedy and drama in a screenplay that splits sides even while playing out big questions of eternity and faith makes this a movie that sticks with you and one that you unquestionably should own.
The MyWays Toolset from the Next Generation Learning Challenge helps educators address the Three Big Questions of Next Generation Learning: How well are we defining and articulating what success looks like for students attending our school?
Biology deals with big questions of a different sort: the origins of life, the workings of the cells of our bodies, the genetics that determine who we are.
Chicago's Steppenwolf for Young Adults program asks big questions of the artists and thinkers of tomorrow, and serves as a model for theater education departments everywhere.
Bill Blakemore speaks with Science Director Richard Somerville on the four big questions of global warming.
We've analyzed small business provisions of the law and created this breakdown of the rules according to the size of your company.Aside from the big question of whether small businesses will benefit from joining a state exchange, a few policies included in the overhaul will affect anyone who runs a business that subsidizes health care for employees.
That leads into the bigger question of the esports industry's overall growth trajectory.
That is a question no - one seems to be asking in the debate over solar - power subsidies, or the bigger question of who pays for the state government's debt binge.
There's the bigger question of whether the far - right media is truly as relevant and impactful as the show's creators argue, and whether the presumably left - leaning audience will know enough about the far right to fully get the joke.
Perhaps that is because when the economics are examined, there's a big question of whether Uber can ever deliver profits at scale.
Scharf is also co-founder of YHouse — a non-profit organization that's dedicated to conducting and communicating cutting - edge science and technology that explore some of the biggests questions of our century regarding consciousness and awareness.
The big question of my audience, it is impossible for me to say that, «By the way, you know it's false.»
Participants will tackle the big questions of how technology can reshape all aspects of health, including personal wellness, intervention, cost efficiency, and research.
But Casey - Lefkowitz says environmentalists will press for a fresh review of the entire project that would include not only local concerns in Nebraska but the bigger question of greenhouse gas emissions.
One of the biggest questions of the hearings has been why Facebook didn't do more to make it clear to its users how it all worked, a question to which Zuckerberg hasn't yet had a concise answer.
But the big question of what kind of band Meyers would bring to the table got answered today with this tweet, and things are looking good.
It's clear from our interview that Moby enjoys thinking about the big questions of life.
So here's the big question of the episode: who is Gus?
Every crisis is a spiritual crisis and an opportunity for spiritual growth; it is a chance to reexamine our answers to the big questions of life - the questions with which our religious heritage has struggled through the centuries.
From choosing salads for a fundraising dinner to studying the timing of the Washington transit system, Silverman has been spending less time recently on the big question of God's existence and more time immersing himself in the nitty - gritty of planning what he promises will be the largest - ever atheist gathering.
Whether it can rival the power of the Whig narrative in the current climate in America is the big question of the moment.
One of the big questions of last night's interview was, of course, how could he have engaged in and perpetuated such an elaborate deception?
So regardless of the big questions of civil rights and liberty and theology in American history, Brian De Palma's «Blow Out» (1981)-- when I sneaked into that movie at age twelve or so — stuck in my mind as something important.
Some of us collide with the big questions of existence and the incomprehensible nature of it all.
For the most part religion subdues metaphysical thought by urging it's followers not to think independently on the big questions of life but rather rely on their doctrine for old outdated answers.
At a time when liberalism needs to throw its weight around with a unified moral answer to the three big questions of our time — peace, poverty and plenty — there is evidence that the deep, deep sleep of liberal spirituality, from which there seems to be a reluctance to rouse, is coming to an end.
Yet if our theologies of revelation can not respond — in some fashion at least — to the big questions of our time, then they will quite rightly be ignored by contemporary culture.
His inner psychological state was not really that important to the bigger questions of the meaning of his life.
Even if we accomplish all these aims, we still leave open the bigger question of whether we should allow contemporary affluence to become dependent on fission power.
Each of them suffered from injustice in such a way that he caused people to face the big questions of life.
@Getreal» That is why the one question I have always had is Why this similarity in mans behavior when dealing with the big questions of life.»
A special feature keeping us up to date with issues of science and religion EVIDENCE FOR EVOLUTION: CONVINCING AND THEISTIC In a series of articles in his Credo column of The Catholic Times between 30th December 2007 and 3rd February 2008, the insightful Fr Francis Marsden tackled the big questions of science and faith.
That is why the one question I have always had is Why this similarity in mans behavior when dealing with the big questions of life.
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