Sentences with phrase «biggest tools»

«In conjunction with Social Security, those are two pretty big tools in your toolbox.»
Hii, Bi Male like to be Bottom only, seeking blk Top with Big tool only please, big means big, i am Bi not gay so i act normal and iam handsome.
Microsoft has been left behind on the sector as a heavy - duty taskmaker, handling Adobe Creative Suite and other big tools for electives or college computer labs.
With the more primitive biface technology, a mass of stone was shaped through the removal of flakes from two surfaces in order to produce bigger tools such as a hand axes.
«Companies are investing more and taking more risks with bigger tooled items, hoping to maximize their return with more interactive and engaging products.»
But President Obama also has some other big tools at his disposal: Rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline, ending destructive oil and gas drilling in the Arctic and on public lands, stopping mountaintop - removal mining, curbing fossil fuel exports, and closing loopholes that exempt drilling and fracking for oil and gas from fundamental environmental protections.
this is the absolute biggest tool we use every day in investing.
Social media has become one of the biggest tools for marketing any brand.
You are as clueless as a rock... we're going to stick around regardless of how much hate you spew and stop trying to cover it cover with the lie of not hating the country but hating the «butt in» people... you only look like a bigger tool than you already are.
We'd be the biggest tools in Europe if we would do that.
Could this guy be a bigger tool?
But one of the biggest tools wives used to invoke change was the divorce threat.
The students also designed and built a big tool shed for their expanding garden projects.
One of our biggest tools in preparing for labor and birth is our Bradley birth classes.
One of the biggest tools you can have is a booster seat that is portable.
Why buy a big tool that you may only use for one project when instead you can just share?
@ShippersUnbound - Loving George Galloway's attempt to out - vile Assange... «No I'm the biggest tool on the left.
Put your big tools in the bottom storage cabinet and use the top box to easily carry all of your tool accessories like nails and electrical tape.
«The bigger the tool's surface area, the more tolerable rolling will be, since the pressure is dispersed,» says David Reavy, a physical therapist and founder of React Physical Therapy in Chicago.
This is the biggest tool you need for conscious manifestation, as it's important to know the truth underlying your intentions.
The biggest tool that I use for this is meditation!
I think it is my biggest tool.
I am still on this road to healing but my biggest tool continues to be GutRx bone broths.
It was a really exciting purchase because I wanted one for a loooong time, but I was intimidated by such a «big tool».
You also have enough space in your pockets to store your bigger tools or items, which is why these pants are a very convenient acquisition.
So, cougar mamas really seek strong and «big tool» young men whom they can enjoy the best sex.
176 cm's, 78 kilo's, smooth, big tool and huge nipples.
This makes the profile your biggest tool and a few things when done right can help in attracting single men who deserve you and those bound to bring you the happiness and fulfilment you are looking for.
More and more singles are learning how to use the biggest tool in the world — the internet — to expand their «hunting grounds» and pursue love online, and more singles are also turning to the web for online dating advice.
Her initial training helped, but as she told Cherry Rice, she needed a bigger tool kit.
Their in - depth knowledge of the subject and fervor to mint the words are their biggest tools to accomplish it.
Their in - depth knowledge of the subject and fervor to mint the words are their biggest tools to accomplish it.
Twitter is big tool to start promote your idea.
One of the biggest tools in your book publicity shed is a press kit, and your press kit needs to be online.
The bigger tool here is the book description.
One of the biggest tools the fiction eBook writer has is personality.
-LSB-...] of the biggest tools the fiction eBook writer has is personality.
The bigger tools, paid marketing, advertising, these are frankly beyond us, not just because I only have so many hours in a day but also because we are at this point not revenue positive.
Ultimately, a budget puts you in control of your money and is the biggest tool to changing your financial future.
Positive reinforcement is the biggest tool in how you can potty train the pup correctly.
One of the biggest tools puppies have to learn with is their mouth — not only for vocalization, but to touch and feel and explore... and test their limits!
«Our biggest tool, however, is our workflow,» Frontier's practice development director, Sara Fleissner, said.
German Shepherds have very high energy requirements, and like any athlete, their diet is the biggest tool in helping fuel their bodies.
funny how you started your rant with «go away fanboy» and ultimately turned out to be even a bigger tool I bought into the hype and went the ps4 route this gen and i am completely disappointed at how such a powerful system cant run such a basic and bland OS without lags.
Obviously, hacking is a big tool in Watch Dogs.
Basically, your biggest tool is your imagination.
Addictive computer game Fortnite has become one of the biggest tools in a parent's arsenal, a study has found.
So far, this is the biggest tool in Sony PlayStation 4's arsenal while Microsoft is still struggling to produce great exclusive content with its first party studios, as shown once again by Rare's Sea of Thieves.
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