Sentences with phrase «bilateral symmetry»

Bilateral symmetry means having two equal halves that mirror each other. Full definition
Maybe that helps account for traces of bilateral symmetry recently.
Instead they have developed a modified bilateral symmetry with distinct front and rear ends.
This name is derived from the fact that representatives generally show bilateral symmetry.
In addition, it is merely a measure self - perceived mate value as opposed to a more objective measure like bilateral symmetry of the face, level of education, or height.
Although the bodies of these animals have a distinct top and bottom, they do not have distinguishable left and right sides — an arrangement, present in humans and other higher life forms, known as bilateral symmetry.
However, it is clear that they evolved from bilaterally symmetrical ancestors, and their larvae still display bilateral symmetry.
The planarian Schmidtea mediterranea are flatworms with bilateral symmetry used as models in the research on cell regeneration and stem cells.
Because they don't have any obvious bilateral symmetry — unlike most animals — the two Dendrogramma species must sit on one of the lowest branches in the animal evolutionary tree, occupied by the few animals that lack this symmetry.
Just when bilateral symmetry appears (Precambrian or during the Cambrian) is an important question in evolution.
Our brains are wired to readily recognize bilateral symmetry and therefore, identifying...
Vera Scekic enlivens the Hyde Park Art Center's In The Loop Gallery with a new two part installation titled Bilateral Symmetry.
Birds are fresh in my mind because I just named some pieces in the body print show «Heron» and «Warbler,» pieces that emphasize bilateral symmetry.
The evolution of bilateral symmetry — the left - right balance of arms, legs, and organs that is a hallmark of all higher animals — was one of the greatest leaps in the history of life.
The accumulation of new modules, by a process called terminal addition, suggests that Dickinsonia developed in a related way to bilaterians, a complex group that display bilateral symmetry, including animals ranging from flies and worms to humans.
I showed that for certain shapes — for kites, which are quadrilaterals with bilateral symmetry — you can escape.
«It also allows Dickinsonia to be considered in debates surrounding the evolution and development of key animal traits such as bilateral symmetry, segmentation and the development of body axes, which will ultimately improve our knowledge of how the earliest animals made the transition from simple forms to the diverse range of body plans we see today.»
The body plans of most multicellular organisms exhibit some form of symmetry, either radial symmetry or bilateral symmetry.
Edler cited research supporting the claim that bilateral symmetry is an important indicator of freedom from disease, and worthiness for mating.
For animals that lack this bilateral symmetry — sponges, stinging jellyfish, anemones — the digestive system is more like a cul - de-sac, a fitting turn of phrase for what is essentially a bag into which food flows, gets digested and then must be expelled before more can be consumed.
One exception to this bilateral symmetry is found in snails, whose shells spiral to either the right or the left.
After the sponges and cnidarians came the worms — the first creatures with bilateral symmetry, after which came an «explosion,» as Sogin calls it, of big - animal phyla.
bilaterians: A clade of animals whode members share: bilateral symmetry, are triploblastic (three tissue layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm), and with HOX genes in one or more clusters with the genes within a cluster arranged in the same order as the body parts they affect.
Perhaps the most significant and still contentious finding from the Doushantuo fossils is evidence of bilateral symmetry, a key characteristic in many modern animals.
If the skin problem is the same on both halves (bilateral symmetry) then possible causes include Hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism or pemphigus foliaceus (skin condition with scaling).
There are works in the exhibition that don't necessarily mimic the bilateral symmetry that we've come to associate with Rorschach's ink blot test, like Jim Campbell's piece, created using 750 LED lights.
Both also appear in the work's bilateral symmetry.
He's a natural at a Jasper Johns — ian hermeticism, physical sensuality, with a keen sense of bilateral symmetry, process, scale, and systematic art - making.
The pattern has the bilateral symmetry of a person — or a mirror image, which surely lies at its origins, probably via computer.
His vertical division into components and the bilateral symmetry of his paintings comes right out of his ’46 and ’47 drawings.
In the 1980s, his embrace of bilateral symmetry and a range of historically and culturally diverse decorative traditions allowed him to embrace the abstract and the figural.
Previous research has shown that the type of man a woman prefers tends to change across her ovulatory cycle, as she becomes more attracted to masculine faces and bodies, and bilateral symmetry, when she's fertile.
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