Sentences with phrase «bill into law»

She says she is happy the legislature expedited two education bills into law in the first five weeks.
Unlike the mainstream left, they do not seek to gain power through traditional channels - winning elections and passing bills into law.
The governor was dealt a resounding defeat last month after the president signed the federal tax reform bill into law.
Our child accident lawyers are pleased to announce that lawmakers have agreed to draft a new bill into law to protect our children.
The governor expects to sign the so - called brunch bill into law «shortly,» according to a spokesman.
In an effort to increase drug abatement effectiveness in the state of New Jersey, Governor Christie signed bills into law in April 2015.
Governor Jay Inslee signed the State Seal of Biliteracy bill into law on March 27, 2014.
As he signed a package of bills into law aimed at stemming the tide of heroin and opioid addiction in New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo singled out Senate Republicans on Wednesday for praise.
President Donald Trump is expected to sign the tax bill into law by the end of the year, meaning the most contentious aspect of Obamacare is on its way out.
Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a medical marijuana bill into law Monday.
Rodriguez crashed the press conference to criticize Rangel for receiving an endorsement from a group he said opposes efforts to reduce traffic deaths on the same day Mayor Bill de Blasio signed 11 bills into law as part of his Vision Zero plan to reduce traffic fatalities.
A gun rights group is declaring victory, after Governor Rick Scott signed a Stand Your Ground - related bill into law last week.
«It is as a result of that understanding and the outcome of our detailed engagements that we feel able to sign the 2017 Appropriations Bill into law today.
Recall that the Parliament passed the Appropriation Bill into law on Thursday last week.
An «unhappy» President Donald Trump signed the $ 1.3 trillion spending bill into law Friday, his second about - face in 24 hours on the measure to keep the government open.
Although President Donald Trump signed the Republican tax bill into law at the end of December, new federal tax brackets will only affect income earned starting January 1, 2018.
Other states to recently legalize medical marijuana include Maryland and Minnesota, which both signed bills into laws earlier this year, while Illinois and New Hampshire both signed on to some form of legalization last year.
Trump claims to have bested all of his predecessors in turning bills into law.
In 1988, HUD gains the authority to insure reverse mortgages through the FHA when President Ronald Reagan signs the reverse mortgage bill into law.
Earlier: President Trump signed the tax bill into law on Dec. 22, 2017.
That leverage evaporated when Obama signed a long - term omnibus spending bill into law before Christmas, which the State Department says will allow it to supply the $ 500 million the United States promised toward the United Nations» Green Climate Fund for fiscal 2016.
Governor Chris Sununu signed New Hamphsire's fantasy sports bill into law on July 18, 2017.
When Gov. Rick Scott signed a new school safety bill into law March 9, Pollack was present.
Barack Obama signed a new bipartisan health bill into law on Tuesday that includes funding to expand access to mental health care, an issue that has been a priority for many Sandy Hook families.
This helps explain why governors who are social conservatives» and have signed such bills into law» enjoy such high approval ratings.
Tuesday Republican State Senator Pat Gallivan was standing next to Governor Cuomo, in Buffalo, as he ceremonially signed a package of bills into law designed to combat heroin use.
As Gov. Andrew Cuomo sat down to ceremonially sign the medical - marijuana bill into law, he was joined by Amanda Houser, a 10 - year - old Rockland County who suffers from Dravet syndrome.
Last year President Obama signed a new education bill into law, replacing No Child Left Behind with the Every Student Succeeds Act.
When Gov. Rick Scott signed a new school safety bill into law March 9, Pollack was present.
Gov. Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara has signed the State Health Insurance Agency Bill into law with a promise to support it with an initial...
We look forward to applauding further when Gov. Rauner signs this historic bill into law
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York signed a same - sex marriage bill into law late Friday in his office at the State Capitol.
Just three days after Christie signed the sports betting bill into law, the NCAA, NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL filed a motion in US District Court to prevent New Jersey from offering sports betting.
The Working Families Party and one of its top political allies, NYC Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, have joined the lobbying effort to get Gov. David Paterson to sign the hydrofracking moratorium bill into law.
I thank Governor Cuomo for signing this common - sense and important bill into law
«Also, when you consider that Nigeria has lost over N235bn due to its inability to pass the Petroleum Industry Bill into law since the reform in the Nigerian petroleum industry was kick - started 17 years ago.
ALBANY, N.Y. — One day after signing his fourth ethics bill into law since taking office as governor, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday there's still more work that's needed to be done.
«It is worth noting that in the 2017 Budget Statement, the Finance Minister mentioned in paragraph 335 that «the Information Ministry will collaborate with all key stakeholders to agree on a programme of action for the passage of the Right to Information Bill into law
Gov. Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara has signed the State Health Insurance Agency Bill into law with a promise to support it with an initial N200million.
Deputy Senate Majority Leader John DeFrancisco on Thursday in a radio interview decried what he sees as «out of control» disclosure laws after Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the latest ethics bill into law.
Many Ghanaians have called on government to for instance passed the Right to Information Bill, but President Mahama has stated that he can not force Parliament to pass the 10 - year old bill into law.
Similarly, Ambode used the event also signed the Sports Trust Fund Bill and the Sports Commission bill into law, explaining that the laws were enacted to address key issues bordering on security and effectively harnessing the potentials in the sports sector.
Governor Scott Walker signed six education - related bills into law today (Nov. 30) during a ceremony in the Governor's office in the State Capitol.
The rain didn't keep away a crowd of just over a 100 people in Weston showing their support for Parkland a day after Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a gun bill into law in response to the tragedy.
In 2013, Gov. Cuomo expanded protections for New York's animals significantly by signing three important animal welfare bills into law.
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signed the 2018 omnibus energy bill into law Friday.
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