Sentences with phrase «billing substantiation»

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The companion Senate bill would require the principal's substantiation.
Nothing Showed Lawsuit Was Clearly Frivolous and No Billing Records Made Substantiation Possible.
It argued that there was improper substantiation, but the appellate court noted the 30 pages of detailed time entries in an attorney declaration sufficed because California does not absolutely require submission of billing statements.
The 2/3 DCA panel disagreed, because (1) detailed billing timesheets are not mandatory in seeking fees at the state court level, and (2) the attorney seeking fees on behalf of a client could obtain a waiver of the privilege by the client so that the substantiation can be submitted.
At the end of the opinion, the appellate court dealt with the argument that the application of the privilege to billing records would «wreak havoc» on the procedures for submitting substantiation in support of a fee request.
The district judge also properly reduced the lodestar fee requests as follows: 20 % for recreation of time entries; $ 32,470 for vague time entries; $ 4,880.73 for lack of proper substantiation; $ 50,721 for clerical tasks; and $ 25,827.50 for excessive billing.
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