Sentences with phrase «bills from skyrocketing»

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has joined the fight to keep flood insurance bills from skyrocketing in one of Syracuse's poorest neighborhoods.
And if you've been turning down the heat in your home to keep your heating bills from skyrocketing, here's a gauge for knowing that baby's room is warm enough: Keep it at a temperature that feels comfortable to an adult in a short - sleeved shirt.
Find and fix air leak To prevent your air conditioning bill from skyrocketing this summer, find the leaks in your home and plug them up.

Not exact matches

«We have zero tolerance for these unscrupulous companies, whose business model is to prey on ratepayers with promises of lower energy costs only to deliver skyrocketing bills,» Cuomo said in a release from his office.
«It would blow a massive hole in the city budget and take control of the NYPD from [Police Commissioner] Ray Kelly and give it to judges — which would cause crime to skyrocket,» Vallone, who has not taken a position on the other bills, added.
Some of the proposed provisions eliminated from the final bill would have caused the cost of university attendance for some students to skyrocket.
The bill offers cap provisions (8.25 % for undergraduate loans and 9.5 % for graduate loans for students) that are meant to keep student loan interest rates from skyrocketing to above 20 %.
By Dennis Cauchon Electric bills have skyrocketed in the last five years, a sharp reversal from a quarter - century when Americans enjoyed stable power bills even as they used more electricity.
Moore's Law Cuts Cost of Computing, and Therefore Cost of Everything Else Our use of IT is skyrocketing, but Bill Gross of Idealab showed that while everything else is going up in resource consumption - from water to oil to minerals - computing is going down.
Losses related to motorcycle injury include skyrocketing medical bills, expenses related to lengthy rehabilitation, loss of wages due to time off from work, pain and suffering, and more.
You probably didn't expect your medical issue would result in a painful recovery process that could last months, skyrocketing medical bills, and lost wages from missing work.
Meanwhile, you might be facing a long and painful recovery process, skyrocketing medical bills, and lost wages from missing work.
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