Sentences with phrase «biocompatible materials»

"Biocompatible materials" refers to substances or substances designed to work well with living organisms, including humans. They do not cause harm or negative reactions when they come into contact with our bodies. Full definition
The therapeutic strategies are based on stiff porous scaffolds made of biocompatible materials to be used as molds.
The researchers are now working on miniaturizing the motes further, discover more biocompatible materials to package them in so they can last in the body longer, and incorporate other sensors into them.
Don Brooks, who develops synthetic biocompatible materials at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, and who has created his own synthetic version of the HSA protein, agrees.
The team knew from their previous work with silk protein scaffolds that silk is a very biocompatible material that is amenable to many manipulations to customize it for a specific use, while also avoiding any cell - specific signaling.
The investigators paired inorganic, solar water - splitting technology (designed to use only biocompatible materials and to avoid creating toxic compounds) with microbes specially engineered to produce fuel, all in a single container.
Apart from their application in the field of food containers, the proteins obtained can be used to produce biocompatible materials.
New biocompatible material that stiffens when it is stretched and changes colour in the process might be used to make better medical implants.
The company is fabricating retinal cell grafts from stem cells and biocompatible materials for delivery of the cell grafts to the retina via standard surgical techniques.
The microchip is encapsulated in a specially formulated biocompatible material created specifically for this kind of application.
These microchips are made from biocompatible materials that will not move or degenerate over time.
The next step in the research, Dr. Hirsch said, is to create prostheses out of biocompatible materials.
The team is working now to miniaturize the device further, find more biocompatible materials and improve the surface transceiver that sends and receives the ultrasounds, ideally using beam - steering technology to focus the sounds waves on individual motes.
The microneedles are made from hyaluronic acid, a biocompatible material.
The resulting frame, which has become almost transparent, is composed of cellulose, which is a biocompatible material that is not harmful to humans.
Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine (BMR): These studies involve the creation or use of biomaterials or biocompatible materials to construct a whole or a part of a living structure.
Biological dentists use only safe, mercury - free, biocompatible materials and view your oral health as an integral part of overall health.
Holistic & Biological Dentistry: Biological dentists use only safe, mercury - free, biocompatible materials and view your oral health as an integral part of overall health.
The chip is made of an inert, biocompatible material that will not disintegrate, rust or cause an allergic reaction and will last the life or your pet.
A. Microchip your pet: A microchip is a tiny transponder about the size of a raw grain of rice and is made of biocompatible material.
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