Sentences with phrase «bioethanol production»

Bioethanol production refers to the process of creating a type of fuel called bioethanol. It is made by converting plants or plant-based materials, like corn or sugarcane, into a fuel that can be used to power vehicles. This fuel is considered more environmentally friendly than traditional gasoline because it produces fewer harmful pollutants when burned. Full definition
Despite Arun stem containing high levels of a component thought to inhibit bioethanol production, this appears to be negated by a high level of an easily fermentable sugar.
DDGS is a by - product of bioethanol production using starchy grains.
Competition between food and fuel crops means that large scale bioethanol production is therefore controversial.
Switchgrass BECS would require at least 2 × 108 ha of land (20 times U.S. area currently under bioethanol production) and 20 Tg y − 1 of nitrogen (20 % of global fertilizer nitrogen production), consuming 4 × 1012 m3 y − 1 of water.
One of the problems is that bioethanol production relies on the cultivation of large amounts of plant material often on land that was formally tropical rain forest, or on land that would otherwise have been used to produce food.
A laboratory in Mexico has invented a process for bioethanol production that uses inedible food waste left over from commercial processing as a feed stock.
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