Sentences with phrase «bioidentical hormones»

The phrase "bioidentical hormones" refers to man-made hormones that are identical in structure to the hormones naturally produced by our bodies. These hormones are commonly used in hormone therapy to replace or balance the hormones that may decrease as we age. Full definition
These include the use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and specific nutritional guidance and supplements to support good health and reduced inflammation, improving the outcome of these conditions.
Many people are discovering that the uncomfortable symptoms that they have accepted as a natural part of aging can often be remedied with the use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT.
Dr. William Epperly, a specialist in bioidentical hormone therapy with offices in Bloomingdale, IL
For the same reasons of safety and efficacy, we only use bioidentical hormones for estrogen replacement therapy.
Bio-identical hormones are used in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and have the same chemical structure as the naturally occurring hormones which are produced in the body.
The finding has put a new appreciation on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, a leading form of antiaging treatment that can actually stabilize hormone fluctuations.
Print out articles about bioidentical hormones from this website.
This can be corrected, and symptoms can be resolved through treatments such as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
(According to Endocrine News, huge numbers of women are taking bioidentical hormones from compounding pharmacies.)
Mainstream doctors engage in hypocritical reasoning when they criticize others who prescribe compounded bioidentical hormones as non-FDA approved.
Where bioidentical hormones do offer better therapy when it comes to female hormone replacement, there is no benefit when it comes to testosterone.
The most common forms of bioidentical hormone treatment are patches, creams, gels, pills or injections.
Her private practice is based upon general medicine, with an emphasis in Women's Health and she specializes in bioidentical hormone balancing for men and women, as well as a wide variety of menopausal and gynecological concerns.
Doctors may prescribe bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, nutritional supplementation (vitamins, minerals, and detoxification nutrients), diet and lifestyle changes to maintain hormonal balance.
There are twenty or so FDA approved bioidentical hormone preparations widely available at corner drug stores.
A better, strong, healthier you is just around the corner — call now and speak with Dr Capasso and his team about what you can expect from natural bioidentical hormone therapy...
Millions of smart women have rejected synthetic hormones, and SSRI antidepressants, and are finding success with bioidentical hormone programs.
The researchers suggest that this information is highly important for those who have a family history of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and that hormonal treatments like bioidentical hormone replacement therapy should be recommended for those who are at a heightened risk for developing these conditions.
Hot flashes were keeping me awake at night until I began to use bioidentical hormone creams containing progesterone and estrogen, and taking DIM to prevent estrogen dominance.
See my article on how estrogen protects women from heart disease: Bioidentical Hormones Prevent Heart Disease.
AllVia Progensa 20 progesterone contains all natural ingredients, including, grape seed extract (a natural preservative), aloe vera, vitamin E and primrose oil that enhance the performance of the USP bioidentical hormone progesterone when it is applied to the skin.
Many bioidentical hormone products are manufactured by compounding pharmacies.
This particular option is also called bioidentical hormone therapy.
Dr. Anthony Capasso M.D. and Ana Linares Stauch A.R.N.P are bioidentical hormone experts, and over the last 20 yrs, they have been helping patients with hormone imbalances to reclaim their well - being by restoring and balancing their hormones to youthful levels.
Dr. Reiss offers bioidentical hormone therapy, which uses natural hormones to restore your levels.
I don't consider bioidentical hormones anywhere near the risk of taking a, quote, «dangerous, harmful, even fatal» synthetic hormone.
Also at issue is the fact that many bioidentical hormone treatments are whipped up by a compounding pharmacist according to a doctors prescription, not unlike a chef following a recipe.
Evan Brand: That he's got some good info with Mercola about administering bioidentical hormones.
Back to our original question though: who makes bioidentical hormones, and why is that fact so important?
(9 - 14) On the other hand, medical studies have found bioidentical hormones are safe with no increase in breast cancer or heart disease compared to non-hormone users.
Because bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to your body's own hormones, the side effects which are commonly associated with synthetic hormones aren't experienced and therefore this can be a more appealing treatment method for many people.
Its particularly important to discuss bioidentical hormone replacement with your health professional before starting a course of DHEA.
Suzanne recently sat down with Life Extension's William Faloon to discuss her book and how bioidentical hormones have enabled her and others to approach the second half of life with joy and anticipation.
Using bioidentical hormones safely and effectively can be a relatively simple, straightforward process.
Whether you need bioidentical hormones for menopause, perimenopause or even PMS, you'll find hormone balance answers here.

Phrases with «bioidentical hormones»

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