Sentences with phrase «biological available sources»

Not exact matches

«Where it is not possible for the biological mother to breast feed, the first alternative, if available, should be the use of human milk from other sources.
This is important context for the thorny question of whether, and how, carbon emissions from burning bioenergy — renewable energy made available from materials derived from biological sources (a category that includes both biofuels like ethanol and biomass like wood used to generate electricity)-- should be included in prospective carbon taxes.
Tagged as: 350.Org, American Electric Power v Connecticut, Best Available Control Technology Standards, cap and trade, carbon capture and storage, Carbon Pollution Standard, center for biological diversity, Congressional Review Act, Copenhagen Climate Treaty, Cross State Air Pollution Rule, Endangerment Rule, epa, H.R. 910, hydraulic fracturing, James inhofe, Lisa Murkowski, Massachusetts v. EPA, natural gas combined cycle, new source performance standards, Robert W. Howarth, S.J.Res.26, skinning the cat, Spruce Mine, unconventional oil, war on coal, Waxman Markey
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