Sentences with phrase «biological life forms»

Organizations are biological life forms and they naturally evolve, grow, mature, and unless they substantially renew from time to time, eventually they die.
The big step, they say, lies in combining far greater computing power with the algorithms required to help the machine understand the body language of us unpredictable biological life forms.
But it shouldn't surprise us actually that thing [s] that emerge and evolve from complex processes come through, whether they're machines that humans are working with or whether they're biological life forms as well.
All religions have been left in the dustiness sideroads where Truth does prevail upon many of mankind's teachers and their students of Bio-Cellular Technicalities wanting to willingly know about the Kingdom Domains of God which lay upon the insides of all celestially nomenclatured biological life forms and life formations.
So why is the galaxy not crawling with self - designing mechanical or biological life forms

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She's the world's highest paid female CEO and she just so happens to have also formed Terasem, a religion that hypothesizes that «a person's mind file may be downloaded into a robotic, nanotechnological or biological body to provide life experiences comparable to those of a typical human.»
PS Pretty sure most scientists believe that biological life is a result of amino acids forming complex proteins; or even RNA if you're down with that idea, not the chromosome, that comes in later when forming creating DNA.
If we compare it with biological evolution on different Geological Time Scale first developed life was also in the form of fish which originated during Cambrian period.
Every people has its culture, whether primitive or advanced, and this culture is discerned in the folkways and moral standards, forms of family life, economic enterprises, laws and modes of dealing with lawbreakers, forms of recreation, religion, art, education, science, and philosophy that constitute the social aspects of human existence as contrasted with the bare biological fact of living.
Far from being an artificial, accidental or accessory phenomenon in its relation to living creatures, education is nothing less than an essential and natural form of biological additivity.
His evolution involved the subjective side of life as well as the objective; that is, negatively, we are not to think of great inexplicable gaps in the forms of subjective existence any more than in the forms of biological organisms.
[37] Fletcher explained «Natural selection is in fact a chemical process as well as a biological process, and it was operating for about half a billion years before the earliest cellular life forms appear in the fossil record.»
Man's biological life is embedded in nature, and in a more complex form he shares many attributes with the animal world.
Thus, there is the entropy at the atomic and molecular levels in the form of the loss of physical energy; then there is entropy in the form of the extinction of life at the biological level; next, there is the entropy appropriate for the level of human life, namely, human death.
The empirical appearances of outward shape and form and of biological mode of life may show such very gradual transitions between animal and man, that in this respect it may perhaps not be possible at all to succeed in indicating concretely and unmistakably, where the dividing line runs between animal and man.
This transformed human community forms a living organism, a biological phenomenon which we conceive to be the next stage in the emergent evolution of the world, and the incarnation of the divine Word.
The preservation of human life was linked mutually to the presence of other stable forms of biological organisms; this subsists in a homeostatic and well - balanced ecosystem on earth.
However, it would be misleading to believe that biological life, as we observe it on earth, are the only forms in which living systems may exist in the universe.
The physical birth of the child is completed by the spiritual birth and both form an integral part of the biological life of the child.
«Concerning biological evolution, the Church does not have an official position on whether various life forms developed over the course of time.
First seen as poisons, then as life - forms, then biological chemicals, viruses today are thought of as being in a gray area between living and nonliving: they can not replicate on their own but can do so in truly living cells and can also affect the behavior of their hosts profoundly.
Forming a conduit between the child and her biological kin can also serve the child well as she does her life's work of gathering her pieces and building her identity.
The capacity to play appears to be built into our biological makeup as we can hardly restrain or be restrained from some form of play in our lives.
Adoption is changing the way people form families, as well as affecting the way society perceives the fundamental concepts of life such as nature and nurture and the role of biological relations with an adoptive family member.
Biological clocks count off 24 - hour intervals in most forms of life.
Because they were clearly biological themselves and could be spread from one victim to another with obvious biological effects, viruses were then thought to be the simplest of all living, gene - bearing life - forms.
First seen as poisons, then as life - forms, then biological chemicals, viruses today are thought of as being in a gray area between living and nonliving: they can not replicate on their own but can do so in truly living cells and can also affect the behavior of their hosts profoundly.
Synthetic biology, the synthesis of biological components and devices and the redesign or creation of new life forms, has enormous potential.
In recent years it was also observed that it can function as a metabolic «signaler» that inhibits a biological pathway found in almost all higher life forms — the ability to sense when food has been eaten, energy is available and it's okay for cell proliferation, protein synthesis and growth to proceed.
«Dementia, including the most common form Alzheimer's Disease, and related neurodegenerative conditions are dramatically rising in frequency as people live longer and our population ages,» says study lead Professor Robert Richards, from the University of Adelaide's School of Biological Sciences.
In his new book, Venter introduces readers to a future of precise biological engineering, guided by DNA and targeted to create life forms never before thought possible.
A killer plague or other form of biological warfare is more promising, as long as it kills every living thing on the planet in short order.
Here's the idea: A mixture of gases that would normally react until one is completely gone simply can't exist over the long term, unless one or both of the gases is being constantly replenished — possibly by the biological activity of life forms.
Through recent work by the same team at UCL, this issue was resolved by creating a new tree of life for placental mammals, including these early forms, which was described in a study published in Biological Reviews yesterday.
Assembling complex biological structures quickly and with atomic precision, the amoeba is living proof of the power of nanotechnology to transmute inert matter into wondrous forms.
Indeed, IL - 15 / IL - 15Rα complex formation leads to an increase in biological activity and half - life of IL - 15, and this complex has been hypothesized to be the predominant form of the molecule (21, 24 — 26).
The novel life forms that emerged represent existing genomic material being used in novel ways to control and regulate interlinked cascades of biological pathways during development, resulting in novel body plans and / or finer tuning of existing body plans to changing phyical, chemical and biospheric selective pressures.
Scientists believe that «conserved» genes — those found in life forms that range from bacteria to plants, insects and humans — perform vital biological functions across species.
Bateman says the hope is that the same biological markers can eventually be used to diagnose the much more common form of Alzheimer's that develops later in life.
If the plasma crystals do exist in their simulated form, they live and develop at a pace at least a hundred thousand times slower than Earth's biological organisms.
A major evolutionary biological study, performed partly by researchers at Uppsala University, reveals what has driven the evolution of new forms of life.
This vision was inspired by analogy with the biological molecular machines that form the basis of life, with the added insight that biology points «to the development of general capabilities for molecular manipulation», initially termed molecular engineering.
This is a unified scientific project that aims to study the behavior of human beings as evolved biological organisms who live in groups, form networks and coalitions, are governed by formal institutions and informal norms, produce and exchange scarce resources and are motivated by identities, ideals and beliefs.
The internalization and clustering of NPs in living cells (unlike the water model studied above), involves several biological processes that not only form such clusters, but also create significant heterogeneity in their size.
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a common structural component of biological membranes of plants, animals, and other life forms.
«It is no surprise that since life forms started in the ocean, most biological life are optimized to thrive on ocean minerals to reach their maximum genetic potential.»
But light pollution generated by modern technologies is taking a heavy biological toll on humans, as well as other forms of life on Earth.
MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is derived from the nutritional form of natural biological sulfur innate to all living things.
These lethal environments include «distorted desert landscapes full of massive half - formed structures, living biological threats, and the remains of a once strong military force».
Written by Nikole Beckwith (Stockholm, Pennsylvania) and directed by BAFTA Scotland - nominated British filmmaker Gaby Dellal (On a Clear Day, Angels Crest), the drama also stars Naomi Watts as Ray's mother who struggles to come to terms with her daughter's life choices while also trying to track down Ray's biological father (Tate Donovan) who needs to co-sign the consent form for his daughter's gender reassignment surgery.
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