Sentences with phrase «biological matter»

Whether it's baby formula or peanut butter, every product has a specific threshold of biological matter that can be included in the package.
Her team has also been building 3 - D printers capable of printing biological matter and glass.
Though all three are made of calcium carbonate crystals, the hard materials include clumps of soft biological matter that make them much stronger.
Trees and other biological matter are natural sinks of carbon dioxide but they do not trap it permanently and the amount of land required is prohibitive.
Biosimilars mimic biologic drugs, which, as the name implies, are derived from biological matter rather than chemicals.
Neel) will cover phonons in solid materials while phonons in biological matter will be addressed by Prof Thomas Dehoux (University of Bordeaux).
It's difficult to conceptualize a world where humans could casually manipulate nanoscale objects at will or even control their own biological matter at a cellular level with light.
An important part of the TRT method involves computer simulations used to predict the interactions of LEEs with biological matter and the amount of radiation absorbed by the targeted biomolecules or cells.
To measure in the hearing organ, the researchers used optical coherence tomography, a visualization technology for biological matter that is often used to examine the eye.
By producing proteins that slice and recombine carbon dioxide molecules, these microbes work in tandem with the grasses to capture atmospheric carbon dioxide and turn it into solid, carbon - rich biological matter that gets stored underground.
In her project, Gardel will investigate how living, biological matter differs from inert, physical matter.
In an attempt to make a rather complex biological matter easier to understand, in giving your digestive tract the probiotics it needs via specific foods and supplements, it is better able to process and remove the toxins in your body.
While not made of biological matter like in Videodrome or eXistenZ, Kevin Durand's personalised, almost en - souled sidearm, feels like a subtle hark back to those most Cronenberg of movies.
The researchers, from Colorado State University and the Morris Animal Foundation, are not just analyzing biological matter.
It feels like something straight out of a science fiction film: The room is lined with wallpaper depicting genetically modified biological matter, each with a label detailing its research motivation; nearby, a tank houses glowing fish, «the first GM organism sold as a pet.»
[Response: Outgassing is very regionally dependent since it is a function of the upwelling of deeper (colder) water that is high in dissolved inorganic carbon (mainly from the remineralisation of falling biological matter and the advection of polar water to depth).
Biomass is living or recently dead biological matter that can be used for fuel or industrial production.
Specifically, the Petition argued that had Mr. Fogle's jury heard Mr. Fogle's DNA was not on any of the victim's clothing where the perpetrator left behind biological matter, he would have been acquitted.
front - end engineering and design for facilities that produce liquid fuels from hydrocarbons and other biological matter.
A long - simmering murder case in Potsdam connected to the strangulation of a 12 - year - old boy is shaping up as an important legal test of a cutting - edge method of teasing DNA evidence out of microscopic amounts of biological matter.
Is the biological matter that constitutes a human being so intrinsically devoid of value and meaning that it is permissible to use this material for some mundane and utilitarian purpose?
An instinct suggest a biological matter.
Pollutants include heavy metals, long - lasting organic chemicals, and biological matter.
The process transforms the biological matter into a more stable form of carbon, slowing the release cycle and thereby keeping more carbon out of the atmosphere.
«For years, scientists at the APS have used these techniques to deepen our understanding of a wide variety of materials, from soil samples to new materials to biological matter,» said Kamel Fezzaa from sector 32 - ID at the APS.
These «molecular engineers» try to understand and harness the principles of self - organization to generate new biological structures endowed with the most typical features of biological matter, the ability to harness energy to do mechanical or chemical work.
The mitotic spindle is the one of the cellular structures that best represents the ability of biological matter to self - organize though arrays of dynamic protein - protein interactions.
But they point out that sex is also a biological matter, strongly controlled and affected by the neurological, vascular, and endocrine systems — i.e., our brains, nervous systems, blood flow, and hormones.
«Sexuality is much more a cultural matter than it is a biological matter,» Dr. Tiefer asserts.
The acrylic, gouache, and pen, on paper scrolls, intertwine images of biological matter, industrial machinery, and subtle historic vignettes from the past, present, and future, bordering on surreal and science - fiction.
The forms his works take tend towards the fantastical; he builds up complex characters who occupy unfamiliar mythological narratives, all the while alluding to the inevitable destruction and decay of all biological matter.
After receiving two medical degrees, Copley pioneered the science of biorheology, the flow properties of all biological matter, and hemorheology, which investigates the structured flow of blood.
The methane (and other gases) released in a landfill are a resultof the action of bacteria on the biological matter (thrown out foodleftovers) in the landfill.
Capsula Mundi is currently in a crowdfunding phase, with the intent of raising funds to finish a viable prototype and create the molds for future production of these burial eggs, as well as to continue the designers» research on potential materials for the pods and to address the «biological matters and legal considerations concerning the project.»
Outside of law firms, I see frequently see programs advertised as being e.g. alternative legal careers for women, which helps perpetuate the stereotype of women needing special treatment (which outside of maternity leave as a biological matter if one is giving birth one won't be in the office that day etc., isn't the case).
Examining specimens for the presence, or the absence, of specified cells and other biological matter
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