Sentences with phrase «biological potential»

He's also chair of the NASA Astrobiology Institute's Mars Focus Group, heading NASA's efforts to select landing sites with biological potential for the 2003 Twin Mars Exploration Rovers.
Researchers at Jiwaji University have done some lengthy investigations on the medicinal and biological potential of pumpkin, and have found several amazing health promises within this everyday veg.
It is important to understand where hESCs come from in order to understand the ethical arguments that surround them, as well as their enormous, innate biological potential.
With over 70 planets identified around distant stars, astronomers are now looking for ways to classify which ones are most like Earth — that is to say, the ones most likely with biological potential.
«We don't see marriage as an inequality to be righted but as a unique gift with the biological potential to create new life and social good for everyone.
As the Sterling Professor of Genetics at Yale University and an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute you have collaborated with peers around the world to illuminate a key understanding of the way in which proteins reach their biological potential inside cells.
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