Sentences with phrase «biological similarities»

You'll need to do alot more than quote biological similarities to convince thinking people that humans are animals.
By the way, there are biological similarities between humans and animals but there are just as many dissimilarities.
Its first tenet is that individuals are equal not by dint of divine creation but because of their sheer biological similarity.
Opponents argue biological similarities make it difficult to distinguish between the two varieties and can hinder law enforcement.
Mice are a useful model for studying how the human body functions due to the fact that there are various important physiological and biological similarities that mice and humans share.
This article is going to give you an awareness of the biological similarities that we humans share which allow us to both commit emotional trading mistakes as well as overcome them with the proper training and information.
We need to elevate our biological similarities over our geographical differences.
Biological similarity, common experiences with gender conditioning, and shared memories of closeted loneliness, help to create a tight bond between partners.
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