Sentences with phrase «birding by ear»

And once you have David Sibley in pocket, so to speak, follow these Song Sleuth tips in the fine art of birding by ear.
Mark is an emcee and trip leader for multiple birding festivals and leads workshops on birding by ear, eBird, birding apps, and general bird identification.
Because Saturday's weather was warm and the precipitation generally light, there was plenty of bird song to provide practice «birding by ear,» along with impressive concentrations of migrants to challenge everyone's visual identification skills.
Bird songs, in all parks I can't ID birds by ear but like to hear them anyway.

Not exact matches

Most Underlines, Highlights, and Dog - Ears: How Postmodernism Serves (My) Faith by Crystal Downing, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
Lady Bird is an absolute gem of human comedy and personal drama, a coming - of - age story turned on its ear by virtue of its intense female gaze and crushing human subtlety.
Outdoor rabbits can be preyed upon or frightened by neighborhood cats, birds of prey and other wildlife, and are more susceptible to parasites like ear mites.
Dogs who have their ears positioned to the side, resembling a bird's wings when in flight, are showing a sign meant to deter the victim from furthering the action that is aggravating the dog — such ear signs are noticeable only by dogs with pricked ears: Dogs with floppy ears may hold their ears in a certain position, but it is barely noticeable to the observer.
On one wall, a number of birds are collected, in various states of being: a stuffed specimen photographed by Roni Horn; a dead budgie in an anonymous flea market photo; Jacopo de» Barbari's 16th - century Sparrowhawk; and Dean's own Ear on a Worm (2017), in which a songbird sits poised on a wire before, in the film's final moment, diving off and vanishing beyond the frame.
Also joining our group was actress Jane Alexander, with her 8 - year - old grandson who is learning to bird — and can even bird a bit by ear.
It's something you can do during the day where you can see the birds in the trees and bird songs are easily heard by the human ear, but what if your passion is bats?
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