Sentences with phrase «birth abortion issue»

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When Santorum or Rick Perry was the nominee it was all about social issues and bringing us back to being a «Christian nation» in good standing with God for the Republicans, we heard a never ending drumbeat about abortion, prayer in schools, teaching creationism, and trying to end funding for planned parenthood, even stopping the funding of birth control.
Other Christians invoke images of persecution when someone disagrees with them on controversial issues such as abortion or birth control, says Moss, whose «The Myth of Persecution» was recently released.
• Remember when, many years ago, the pro-life leadership decided to make a very big issue about partial - birth abortion?
To date, over sixteen studies have looked at this issue and the impact on abortion, birth or pregnancy rates, the best of which is probably a study by economist Philip Levine [2].
Let's face it: We are unlikely to find a single party that truly represents a «culture of life,» and abortion will probably never be made illegal, so we'll have to go about it the old fashioned way, working through the diverse channels of the Kingdom to adopt and support responsible adoption, welcome single moms into our homes and churches, reach out to the lonely and disenfranchised, address the socioeconomic issues involved, and engage in some difficult conversations about the many factors that contribute to the abortion rate in this country, (especially birth control).
@myweightinwords: Lack of birth control, lack of education, failure of birth control, health issues, financial constraints and lack of support systems cause abortion.
Lack of birth control, lack of education, failure of birth control, health issues, financial constraints and lack of support systems cause abortion.
The debate over abortion (most recently focused on what are called either «late - term» or «partial - birth «abortions, depending on your position) reveals a reluctance to look at the facts surrounding both sides of a serious issue out of fear that one might discover or publicize a fact that does not support one's stance.
The Journal of Medical Ethics has an entire symposium on infanticide in its latest issue, in which one can see scholars at prominent institutions reasoning (plausibly, alas) that if the unborn child can be licitly aborted, then «after - birth abortion» can be permitted as well.
Their discomfort with cultural issues is reflected in their protests that matters such as partial - birth abortion, school prayer, or same - sex marriage are not proper items for political debate; they are rather «wedge issues» that conservatives illegitimately bring into the public arena in order to divide the nation (read: in order to cost Democrats votes).
Leading up to the issues of birth control and abortion he declares that marriage is a natural right of man rather than a religious or civil institution.
When you pro-life contradictions stop acting like life begins at conception and ENDS AT BIRTH, when you stop using abortion as a political wedge issue to shore up votes and show that you actually understand and act on ALL the complex issues at work, you might actually find others more sympathetic to your alleged cause.
The most significant legal issue was whether Nebraska's prohibition of partial «birth abortion was unconstitutional because it failed to provide a health exception.
The «after - birth abortion» article continues reverberate, this time in a column by Telegraph columnist Jenny McCartney, who takes issue with the bioethicists» claim that a newborn and a fetus are equally killable because of their supposed mutual lack of personhood.
In addition to the serious psychological and behavioral issues just mentioned, young people are also at risk for reproductive challenges such as prepubescent menstrual cycles, premature sexual activity, unwanted teen pregnancy, single or repeated abortions, single parenthood, and / or giving birth to an unwanted child.
The 8th amendment has a significant impact on a woman's right to birth how and where she chooses but there is surprisingly little dialogue and research about the impact this amendment has on maternity or reproductive issues outside of the recent widely publicised abortion debate.
The guide provides an introduction to full spectrum doula work — supporting people during all phases of pregnancy, including abortion, miscarriage, birth and adoption — as well as a discussion of how issues like race, class, immigration, gender and more affect our work as doulas.
They demand Schumer stand up for liberal issues like expanding healthcare, immigrant rights, access to birth control and abortion, LGBTQ rights, environmental concerns and labor laws.
WI: The Breeders deals with some pretty prominent social justice issues right now, especially during such a highly charged political time: abortion, genetic engineering, birth control, religion, and, perhaps most obviously, homosexuality and gay marriage.
Los Angeles & Washington, DC About Blog The Feminist Majority Foundation Online features daily feminist news, issues of sex discrimination, abortion and birth control, domestic violence, sexual assault, pay equity, women's equality in jobs, women's and girls» equality education, and women's and girls» equality in sports, a feminist career center.
This work was created in support of birth control rights, with abortion being a topical issue.
In Althouse's view, Greenhouse inaccurately described Ginsburg's dissents as emotional expressions of passion about issues like partial birth abortion and unequal pay in employment cases.
The Supreme Court issued a 5 - 4 decision today in Gonzales v. Carhart, upholding a federal law that bans «partial birth» abortion, without providing any exceptions for medical necessity or health of the mother.
At issue in both is the federal law banning «partial birth abortion,» which Congress passed in the wake of the Court's 2000 decision Stenberg v. Carhart, which struck down a similar statute in Nebraska because it failed to include an exception that would allow the procedure if needed to protect the health of the mother.
Los Angeles & Washington, DC About Blog The Feminist Majority Foundation Online features daily feminist news, issues of sex discrimination, abortion and birth control, domestic violence, sexual assault, pay equity, women's equality in jobs, women's and girls» equality education, and women's and girls» equality in sports, a feminist career center.
Cervical cancer screenings and breast exams help catch diseases early — when they are most treatable, and birth control helps women plan their families and manage health care issues, and reduces the number of unintended pregnancies and the need for abortion.
Washington, DC — Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, issued the following statement in response to a Contraceptive CHOICE Study finding that access to no co-pay birth control — as is outlined in the Affordable Care Act — leads to significantly lowered abortion rates.
Do you have questions about birth control, STIs, emergency contraception (EC), laws affecting teens» access to abortion, or other sexual health issues?
U.S. District Judge Anne Thompson issues a temporary restraining order barring enforcement of New Jerseys so - called partial birth abortion bill.
Planned Parenthood of Nassau County Action Fund (PPNCAF) assesses candidate positions on a variety of important reproductive health issues such as access to birth control, evidence - based sexual health education, emergency contraception access, and access to safe and legal abortion.
Los Angeles & Washington, DC About Blog The Feminist Majority Foundation Online features daily feminist news, issues of sex discrimination, abortion and birth control, domestic violence, sexual assault, pay equity, women's equality in jobs, women's and girls» equality education, and women's and girls» equality in sports, a feminist career center.
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