Sentences with phrase «birth control medications»

The birth control pill is probably the most well - known form of birth control medication.
Taking birth control medication may also halt your breasts from creating milk, so avoid taking them if you can.
The chemical compounds in many birth control medications can trigger changes in the body, and make mom feel more tired than usual.
Don't forget the extensive effect birth control medications can have.
This may affect the performance of birth control medication or be the cause of hormonal imbalances.
The encyclical also reiterated the church's ban on sterilization for men and women, either temporary or permanent, and left no room for interpretation on the new birth control medications.
«Our findings suggest that a policy requiring all health insurance plans to cover birth control medications is consistent with the beliefs of the majority of Americans.»
It is certainly preferable to oral birth control medications, and may even be a better fit than bioidentical topicals.
In some instances, women with PCOS may be given Provera before beginning treatment with birth control medications.
So your use of birth control medication was to correct a physical abnormality, not as an contraceptive.
For many, taking Ovasitol can regulate periods, reducing the need to take birth control medications.
A missed period can not be construed to be a 100 % proof of pregnancy as it can be caused by various other factors such as use of birth control medication, stress, illness, quick loss or gain of weight or use of new medicines.
«In this study, women, blacks, and Hispanics were more likely to support coverage of birth control medications than were men, older individuals and adults without children in the home.
Nearly 7 in 10 Americans support mandated coverage of birth control medications, according to a new national survey by researchers at the University of Michigan Health System.
Women, blacks, Hispanics, parents with children under the age of 18 at home, and adults with private or public insurance were significantly more likely than other adults to support universal coverage of birth control medications, according to the findings that appear in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) today.
Individuals from all 50 states and the District of Columbia were surveyed about insurance coverage for multiple health services, including mammograms, colonoscopies, dental care, mental health services, screening tests for diabetes and high cholesterol, vaccines, and birth control medications.
Birth control medications and spironolactone have been shown to be effective medical treatments but come with side effects and may take months to see changes.
2) If you are not on contraceptives, are you taking any sort of hormonal / birth control medication?
YAZ or Yasmin (known as Drospirenone) is a synthetic progestin that is typically part of birth control medications.
But birth control medications are used for reasons that go far beyond simply preventing pregnancy.
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