Sentences with phrase «birth weight infants»

Blood pressure support in the very low birth weight infant during the first week of life.
Growth and breastfeeding among low birth weight infants fed with or without protein enrichment of human milk.
This is not the case, and WHO clearly recommends to feed low - birth weight infants mother's own milk.
Our survival rates for very low birth weight infants are well above national averages.
Persistent Beneficial Effects of Breast Milk Ingested in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on Outcomes of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants at 30 Months of Age
Despite several years of research providing the medical and economic evidence that feeding a mother's own milk to very low birth weight infants improves clinical and financial outcomes, multiple barriers to mothers» providing their own breast milk for infants in the neonatal intensive care unit to persist.
Preterm and / or low birth weight infants need special care, including additional attention to breastfeeding and breast - milk feeding and to keeping them warm at home and in health facilities.
J Bauer et al., «Metabolic rate and energy balance in very low birth weight infants during kangaroo holding by their mothers and fathers,» J Pediatr (Germany) 129 no. 4 (Oct 1996): 608 — 11.
Premature and low birth weight infants generally require extra care to avoid illness and death from secondary, preventable complications such as hypothermia and infection.
Dr. Charpak says that this new knowledge must be used to extend KMC coverage to the 18 million premature and low birth weight infants born each year who are candidates for the technique.
Infant, mother, and contextual predictors of mother — very low birth weight infant interaction at 9 months of age
These advances have improved survival for infants with increasingly lower gestational ages, and have decreased morbidity for low and very low birth weight infants [38], [39].
R.J. Schanler and S.A. Abrams, «Postnatal attainment of intrauterine macromineral accretion rates in low birth weight infants fed fortified human milk,» J Pediatr 126, no. 3 (Mar 1995): 441 — 7.
Persistent beneficial effects of breast milk ingested in the neonatal intensive care unit on outcomes of extremely low birth weight infants at 30 months of age.
Despite several years of research providing the medical and economic evidence that feeding a mother's own milk to very low birth weight infants improves clinical and financial outcomes, multiple barriers to mothers» providing their own breast milk for infants in the neonatal intensive care unit to persist.
Sur, D., Gupta, D. N., Mondal, S. K., Ghosh, S., Manna, B., Rajendran, K., and Bhattacharya, S. K. Impact of zinc supplementation on diarrheal morbidity and growth pattern of low birth weight infants in kolkata, India: a randomized, double - blind, placebo - controlled, community - based study.
Numerous studies have been done to determine which moms are at greater risk of having low birth weight infants.
Donor milk provides life - saving nutrients to vulnerable newborns and reduces the rate of necrotizing enterocolitis, a deadly intestinal infection that afflicts low birth weight infants.
In spite of this however, more than half of very low birth weight infants are discharged from neonatal intensive care units exclusively on artificial breastmilk, and four in ten are discharged on breastmilk with a fortifier or supplemental artificial breastmilk.
Malcolm, W., Gantz, M., Martin, R., Goldstein, R., Goldberg, R., and Cotten, C. «Use of Medications for Gastroesophageal Reflux at Discharge Among Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants
Bull, Marilyn MD and Engle, William MD. «Safe Transportation of Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants at Hospital Discharge.»
Because of this, there are very low breastfeeding rates for premature and low birth weight infants; studies have shown that the shorter the gestational period of the baby, the shorter the length of breastfeeding.
«the early, prolonged, and continuous skin - to - skin contact between the mother (or substitute) and her low birth weight infant, both in hospital and after early discharge, until at least the 40th week of postnatal gestation age, with ideally exclusive breastfeeding and proper follow - up» (Cattaneo, Davanzo, Uxa 1998).
However, the use of donor human milk (DHM) in the NICU setting provides an opportunity for very low birth weight infants (< 1500 grams) to receive the valuable benefits of human milk.
A study compared growth and bone mineralization in very low birth weight infants fed preterm formula with those who received term formula; the conclusion was that preterm formula better aided in growth and development.
M.A. Hylander et al., «Human milk feedings and infection among very low birth weight infants,» Pediatrics 102, no. 3 (Sep 1998): E38.
A prospective, controlled study of the effect of breast milk on infection among low birth weight infants was conducted in India in 1981.18 Although the sample size was small, 62 infants, the study design was a randomized block design in which feeding schedules for breast milk or formula were randomly allocated within groups of infants that were determined to be relatively homogeneous with respect to factors predisposing to infection.
R.N. Musoke et al., «Breastfeeding promotion: feeding the low birth weight infant,» Int J Gynaecol Obstet (Kenya) 31, suppl.
This was expected based on the results of the pregnancy outcome study from which these women were selected, ie, women with exposure to fluoxetine late in pregnancy were more likely to have lower birth weight infants and were also more likely to breastfeed while continuing to use the medication.
In 771 low birth weight infants, babies whose mothers chose to provide breast milk had an 8 point advantage in mean Bayley's mental developmental index over infants of mothers choosing not to do so.
The Kangaroo Foundation research compared 18 to 20 year olds who, as premature and low birth weight infants, had been randomized at birth to receive either Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) or traditional incubator care until they could maintain their own body temperature.
Dr. Charpak notes that as neonatal technology becomes more accessible throughout the world, more premature and low birth weight infants are saved with fewer serious consequences in later years.
«This study demonstrates that Kangaroo Mother Care can make all the difference in the world for premature and low birth weight infants,» says Dr. Karlee Silver, Vice President Programs at Grand Challenges Canada.
Mother - infant skin - to - skin contact and direct breastfeeding should be encouraged as early as feasible.204, 205 Fortification of expressed human milk is indicated for many very low birth weight infants.13 Banked human milk may be a suitable feeding alternative for infants whose mothers are unable or unwilling to provide their own milk.
Sudden infant death syndrome and sleeping position in pre-term and low birth weight infants: an opportunity for targeted intervention.
Please discourage support for Amendment 13 which is incorrect and says: (16a) «According to the WHO recommendations, low - birth weight infants should be fed their mother's own milk.
«According to the WHO recommendations, low - birth weight infants should be fed their mother's own milk.

Phrases with «birth weight infants»

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