Sentences with phrase «bit chaotic»

I am in the middle of a move so my whole life is a bit chaotic; not to mention imperfect.
But if the cabinets, counters, and walls (and floors) are pretty different from each other, it would probably look a bit chaotic.
I am craving order, as life feels a bit chaotic right now and I am seeking ways to simplify.
Besides dust on every surface far and wide, it is a bit chaotic in the house in spite of our best efforts to be organized.
It's a bit chaotic.
With Duo and Allo (and Google Chat, Android SMS, and Spaces) for consumers, RCS messaging services for carriers, and Hangouts for the enterprise, Google is still a bit chaotic when it comes to communication.
«It's been a bit chaotic at Nest since its acquisition by Google,» noted Ray Wang, principal analyst at Constellation Research.
The overall display is a bit chaotic but the individual works still manage to demand attention and shine individually.
At the previous step our painting looks a bit chaotic with all the colours competing at equal intensity.
The Imaginary Chain's glimpse into the outcome of your choices is a big help in making sure you're strategizing to the best of your ability, especially when facing multiple enemies at once, as things can get a bit chaotic.
It offers local two - player matches, but the real - time nature of the gameplay makes it a bit chaotic to play on the same device.
However, some reasons you may not want to play if you even pick up on them: the screen can be a bit chaotic with so many players running around - which can be annoying if you aren't use to it.
There are a ton of characters that can join your party, however, due to this battles do get a bit chaotic at times which does make things hard to see what's going on.
A few gripes the reviewers had were how long the battles can take on average and how at times during five on five battles can get a bit chaotic.
At times it can be a bit chaotic.
Unfortunately I did not get to enjoy the other perks: boarding was a bit chaotic in Krakow, so there was no priority boarding and they don't have a lounge there!
The plus side of this is that the place definitely looks alive and open for business, regardless of the season; but it also looks and feels a bit chaotic at times.
The beginning was a bit chaotic: I got dropped by the bus too early — in the middle of the night.
The ticketing is a bit chaotic as no - one takes any notice of seat numbers and luggage is piled in corners.
Brushing your dog's teeth can be a little bit chaotic at first.
You'll probably have a few stair gates in place already if you have very young children, so utilise these when you can not supervise or things are getting a bit chaotic!
Many under - resourced organizations are being overlooked by private donors perhaps because visually they don't look exceptional — they might operate in an old run down facility or things might look at bit chaotic at times because they have limited resources.
Add in the fact that my dad was self - employed and was gone most of the warm - weather months from sun up to sun down, and life was a bit chaotic.
I got my rights back fairly quickly for NAL but was told their legal department was a bit chaotic with the merger.
I enjoyed this novella / novel, but found the plotting a bit chaotic.
As the stand - off escalates, the film gets a bit chaotic, switching between the villains, the Federal agents and the victims trying to escape.
A little bit chaotic, maybe; but as the track design is so brilliant, we can forgive the flaws of the engine.
I would imagine the latter two — a lunchroom standoff and a Cyrano de Bergerac homage — were deleted for being too hackneyed, while the long first sequence (involving a dream and a dragon fight) is just a bit chaotic.
From characters like Wonder Woman and fake Gandalf to western spaghetti spoofs and Star Wars references, it sometimes feels a bit chaotic, but it is still weirdly engaging and entertaining.
▪ After sign up, users interface is bit chaotic too at first and it lacks some modern look and style.
Website Design ▪ Website design is a bit chaotic.
Website Design ▪ At first website design might seems a little bit chaotic with too many boxes and advertisements.
Website Design Single look is a bit chaotic especially on the main page.
For all that there are almost too many features to keep straight and the member homepage is a bit chaotic, getting around isn't too difficult once you know where to find everything.
The website design is a little bit chaotic however it gave you a lot of information and testimonials.
But the dozens of spine colors brought the walls inward, and made the bed feel a bit chaotic.
The start of the trip was a bit chaotic accommodation-wise, but we ended up staying at a Holiday Inn Express and it was actually really nice.
Plus, despite my business and blog being very much intertwined, I'm trying to learn how to compartmentalise the two, otherwise, it all gets a bit chaotic!
A photo filled with statement pieces is a bit chaotic.
The old format kept it simple and user friendly, this current format seems a bit chaotic like it is encouraging the viewer to multi-task, rather, do everything at once, thus loosing concentration.
The footage that the researchers collected was a bit chaotic (above, left), and so they gave it to Lisa Roberts, an animator (and CreatureCast contributor), to illustrate the process.
The parade starting point was disorganized, becoming a bit chaotic as press and parade participants swirled around the designated parade start, waiting for the governor, mayor and other electeds but repeatedly ordered to move in different directions by the NYPD and parade organizers.
Evening times with a newborn can be a bit chaotic while trying to juggle feedings, diaper changes, laundry, dinner and even just saying hi to your significant other.
Raising twins is always a bit chaotic, even for a control freak like me.
-LSB-...] Note from Hint Mama: With baby number two set to arrive in a little over a week, I'm prepared for my life to turn a bit chaotic again when there's a newborn in the house.
I have noticed an increase in my moods and my ability to cope with the chaos in our family (whose household isn't a bit chaotic when you have three kids under five?).
This morning Daniel had two theatre performances in Nicosia - at different schools, so it was a bit chaotic and he was pretty tired by the time he got back at lunchtime.
It has been a bit chaotic here,...
Behind Bottas and his lovely launch things got a bit chaotic.
Phew, well typically these days my day looks a little bit chaotic!
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