Sentences with phrase «bit limited»

It makes the game a little bit limited in that regard.
This makes Millionaire Dates a little bit limiting until you actually decide to pay the money and try it out.
This article explains why puppies bite, and how to teach your puppy bite limits while offering them proper opportunities.
In terms of connectivity, things are a little bit limited.
80 % of the users are women, but I fully expect as Pinterest moves out of limited beta that the gender curve will even out a bit
The Natural Balance Small Breed Bites Limited Ingredient Diet dog food is made without wheat, corn, or soy products.
If you earn money on the road, your options for location independent careers are a teensy bit limited, and / or require some creativity.
And though the material might seem to be a little bit limiting in terms of feature set, Xiaomi has done really well to figure out wireless charging.
«From wing - back, you can do that a lot more compared to when you're higher up the wing, when your options are a little bit limited.
The Google Analytics is a bit limited — and by a «bit» I mean a «lot».
Lucas» access to the outside world is a bit limited.
Euangelion is a perfect example, though I think your definition here is a bit limited.
, the selection here in Sweden started to feel a bit limiting.
I am really dependant on only 2 main stores here for my produce, so I find it a bit limited at times.
The gift of prayer and changing my diet have been a huge blessing, but I've honestly felt a bit limited and have longed for a high - powered blender to help take back my health even more fully.
My ultimate happy place is doing this with healthy, nourishing but delicious recipes - however most health oriented recipes seem to be paired with the use of a vitamix for either ease or to take it to the next level, so I feel a bit limited or unable to have the full experience when I don't have one to use.
even some of the non glory times where the football was beautiful so your view is a bit limited, which is maybe why u do nt understand peoples support for him.
The problem is that our list of players who are fit to play, especially in the front three, is a bit limited right now so how does Wenger line up the Gunners without Alexis this weekend?
Cazorla abilities i feel are a bit limited when playing deep.Most of his contributions are further up the pitch.
You may have noticed that your newborn's vision is a bit limited.
However, when the seat is deeply reclined, the access to the basket will be a bit limited from the back.
Wrist and ankle rattles are great toys for newborns who are a bit limited when it comes to playtime capabilities.
But they are a bit limiting.
Still, it provides one of the better experiences for infants even if it is a bit limited for toddlers.
These parents are trying their best to find and share useful, factual information about raising multiples on this site, but since that information is a bit limited, parts of the site remain a work in progress.
Weaknesses: A bit limited entertainment wise as your baby gets older and more active, Does not covert into rocker or napper, Needs batteries, Not easily portable.
If both your mounting depth and your budget are a little bit limited, make sure you take a closer look at the Skar Audio VD - 10.
The single - button remote is a bit limiting as far as controlling your phone or media device from a distance but should work fine for most people who don't mind reaching for their phone once in a while.
In large cities such as New York, Paris, and Tokyo, more than 80 % of the trips are above the 8 - bit limit.
You're a bit limited using just cells.
That's at least 60 percent more data than previously published methods, and close to the 1.8 - bit limit.
On the Keto diet so a bit limited on what we can add
The colors that you can make with it are a bit limited, but it does the trick!
Choosing shoes for the casual plaid shirt outfit was a bit limiting.
I find it a bit limiting style-wise, but it is so warm and so beautifully made.
Due to the weather I am a bit limited in wearing white trousers but do like them a lot.
I've only been able to use one brand, which I love, but their collection can be a bit limited, now I know I can check out The Body Shop!
The sleeve / shoulder area is tight when lifting your arms, so that range of motion is a bit limited 2.
I'm low on money right now and my shoes are a bit limited.
Home decor has long been a passion of mine, but with Cole and I still in a rental home, we're a bit limited when it comes to big picture things like wall paint, flooring, hardware, etc..
I'm so thankful that I have a mom who let me be myself and wear pretty much whatever I wanted as long as it was within the dress code of my private school (which could sometimes be a bit limiting to a budding fashionista).
But... My wardrobe funds are a bit limited.
There have been sooo many times I have been shopping (and was a bit limited in what I could buy) and literally struggled trying to pick out just a few things!
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