Sentences with phrase «bit of a discourse»

This material, partly oral, partly written, was already in circulation in the communities before the composition of the Gospels, and it consisted of narratives, sayings, and other bits of discourse (including the parables), and the Passion story.
At the end of the month... well, a bit of a discourse / conclusion of differences and similarities between the two countries.
A bit of discourse analysis... From its ingratiatingly self - help beginning («How often...?»)

Not exact matches

Schultz then went a bit contemplative on the raptly - attentive crowd, sharing with the audience his belief that individual citizens, not just politicians and political parties, need to increase civility and improve the discourse level in the country, not only every four years but ever day, in the face of what Schultz sees as increased partisanship, polarization and cynicism.
It is also possible to recognize other ways of reading the New Testament: not only midrash, but also typology and allegory are modes of reading which, given their assumptions and rules of discourse, are every bit as disciplined and «true» as that offered by the literalist renderings of the historical - critical method.
What many folks seem to encourage jovially are rival bickering between young blooded humanists who banter about incessantly never judging their owned amorous infidelities and always trivializing the bitterness of others» written and even oral wordage... «I am what I am Sam» are the earmarks of standalone infidels who dare not seek the fidelities of devotional humanisms flavored austerities emanating with frugal discourse above the plainness of written and / or spoken dysenteries... «Bite the bullet» antagonists on both young sides might never find frugally endorsed concessions nor open their doors ever so gently...
On Public Discourse, Ian Marcus Corbin provides a bit of the history behind the design of City Hall Plaza in Boston.
You know things have gotten pretty bad in American discourse when the most sane bit of commentary on the Chick - Fil - A maelstrom comes from Antoine Dodson.
Indeed, a good bit of what in other places would be called only «human rights» is referred to as «constitutional rights» in US discourse.
Revelling in its biting discourse against the evils of our socially surveilled world, the film sees everyone hit rock bottom — and all because of one man's desire to prove himself to a bunch of strangers in cyberspace.
You'll never see this level of political discourse in the fractured world of cable TV news playing to partisan constituents and punditry reduced to sound bites and shouting matches.
The fundamental motivation behind this task is to show individuals the nuts and bolts of displaying something before a group of people furthermore indicate those advantages of making a bit of custom essay written work, as well as a successful venture that incorporates passing on data through discourse and visual signals in the meantime.
Now, I appreciate R. Mutt smartassness as much as anyone, especially when the fooling around with dated bites of culture is also trying to add something relevant to the critical discourse.
At times fun and amusing, at other times worrying and disturbing, Tracey Emin bites back shows the reality of the problematic discourse on Tracey Emin as it was prior to the publication of this book.
The interdisciplinary implications of the art on view will underscore the range of ways environmental issues impact Africa, adding the frequently biting and provocative voices of these artists to scientific and political discourses on African nations, environments, and realities.
remains a witty and biting form of discourse.
In the meantime, I think Bernie Rayno deserves some kind of award for at least trying to keep a bit of reality in the heated discourse over radiation.
In the spirit of accuracy and settling on a common lexicon for climate discourse, I'd like to propose that a certain bit of climate shorthand go away.
Often our undergrads need to read articles that present more of an overview of a topic, something that gives them a little bit of depth about it, a bit of background, and in some areas a bit of a picture of the scholarly discourse.
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