Sentences with phrase «bit of a shame»

And it is a little bit of a shame to not have this tablet option, but people can always try to import one themselves if they want one.
Instead, global leaders should promote nuclear — loudly and without the slightest bit of shame — because it is absolutely vital if we are to reach our emissions goals.
Bit of a shame really, I'm sure some would be 3DS owners and Pokemon fans would want one, right?
ultraviolet (ultravio1et): Just this minute brought this, and I now find out there's no leaderboards, bit of a shame realy as I already have the PlayStation version.
I wonder if we by chance we would win the leuage, would you guys feel proud about it or rather feel relief and a little bit of shame?
With a slight bit of shame, I'm about to give you a personal case study in -LSB-...]
It's a bit of a shame, but it was probably inevitable.
So, it's a bit of a shame that some SEO's don't like doing keyword research.
The discussion of assisted nutrition and hydration in dementia is good too, though it's a bit of a shame that the expert came from the US (where tube feeding is prevalent) and did not come from the UK, where it is almost prohibited, and where there is a real fear that tube feeding may be a burdensome and inappropriate intervention to the point where people may be treated less than they should.
I love them but my husband prefers his hearty, savory eggs / sausage, so it's a bit of shame to whip up a whole batch for just one person.
It's a bit of a shame they don't have a right handed hitter who can play 2nd.
«It's a bit of a shame that we conceded a draw at the end of the Liverpool game, but it was a fantastic game for the spectators and it was one of the best games I've played in for Arsenal.
Arsene Wenger today revealed that he did not expect his 24 - year old striker back for two more games, which is a bit of a shame because it also looks like the perpetual motion machine that is Alexis Sanchez could finally be running out of steam a little bit.
MLB might disagree on that note now, though, which is a bit of a shame.
We have so many different options for striker I highly doubt Wenger will go for a pure striker (Like Higuain, Cavani or Martinez) and the versatile attacker in Dybala looks destined for Juve which is a bit of a shame but understandable for a player so young.
Which is a bit of a shame.
All of which are a bit of a shame?
Fox sidelined is a bit of a shame, but I don't think it will do him any harm to keep his powder dry for now.
In practice of course we can't actually be that confident that voters in a tight LD - Lab marginal will behave the same way as in a seat where the Lib Dems have a 20 % majority, so it's a bit of a shame Ashcroft didn't include some more challenging LD - Lab fights like Cambridge, Hornsey & Wood Green or Bermondsey.
«Which was a bit of a shame because we wanted to see the effects of the comet on the atmosphere.»
We celebrate Mother's Day in the UK in March, which is a bit of a shame as the weather is always a bit pants, so it kind of limits what you can do.
Unfortunately my dress really started to hurt by the evening which meant I had to change into a simple summer dress after the first dance which was a bit of shame.
Well that is a bit of a shame on the fit because the colour and print is so wonderful, especially with your hair.
There's also a moment of poetic justice in which he's forced to eat what he dishes out so much (I admit with a bit of shame that it's the movie's funniest scene).
It's a bit of a shame too, because these characters managed to grow on us.
Berserk is one of the few anime series I prefer dubbed, so it was a bit of a shame to not hear the voices of Guts, Griffith, and Casca that I know and love.
It is a bit of shame that the developers are stuck in a rut when it comes to the licensing issue with the professional leagues but if you can ignore this issue, you will be able to enjoy a great football game.
At most, he is a secondary character in Rosita's story, which is actually a bit of a shame.
It's a bit of a shame that the actual geography of the game has no real relation to the country beyond the inclusion of multiple ecosystems and a few landmarks.
It's not quite right to call this game a shameless copy of the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series, since I feel there was quite a bit of shame that caused some unique decisions to be made, but the statement is still relevant.
It's a bit of a shame.
It's a bit of a shame that de Niro's film ended up with music like this - I haven't yet seen it, but I fancy a noir score like Mark Isham provided for last year's The Black Dahliamay have been entirely possible.
This news will obviously be bittersweet for fans of Platinum Games; while it's obviously nice that the game will still be released in the West, it's a bit of a shame we have to wait so long for a game that is already localised.
It's a bit of a shame that it nearly overshadows Tilly's delightful ditz, another Oscar nominated performance that likely would have won were it not pitted against another bravura performance from the same film.
Which is a bit of a shame as there was a lot of quality on show.
It's still a bit of a shame that Colin Farrell won't be able to return for this one as his role in the original was one of his best in years.
That is a bit of a shame because Tiny Troopers could really benefit from multiplayer as it would open up more strategic tactics and allow you to surround your enemies as opposed to constantly being surrounded.
It's absurd that a freak incident, albeit tragic, is causing such drastic Hollywood ripple effects (like the re-cuttingof the upcoming Gangster Squad), and it's a bit of a shame that, on top of all else, such a nasty PR mess had to befall the folks at Warner Bros..
For a story about, for some of its runtime, a show's star (Keaton) being undermined by his co-star (Norton) it feels like a bit of a shame (though, I'm sure intentionally so) that Ed Norton does actually steal so much of the movie away from Michael Keaton.
Picture: It seems like Amour bumped Moonrise Kingdom from the field, which is a bit of a shame.
It's a bit of a shame, as the screenplay does offer enough interesting elements to entertain and provoke thought, but a grand scale movie just can't be made with such modest means.
That's a bit of a shame seeing that Nintendo appeared to be giving the RPG a fair bit of promotion.
That's a bit of a shame as it's rather good.
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