Sentences with phrase «bit of control»

Ultimately, what they're always looking for is: What is it in this big, complex situation that I have a little bit of control over?
Take a little bit of control of your overall environment by being more involved and selective in what you feed your mind, who you spend your time with and your surroundings.
The key here is giving up a little bit of control in exchange for the comfort of your employees.
If having a little bit of controlled chaos makes you happy and keeps you stress - free, go for it.
You will probably find that you'll need to surrender a fair bit of control over your book along with the rights.
This gives them a little bit of control while still maintaining structure.
But asking the question gives a grieving person a little bit of control — which is something people need when it feels like their entire life is out of their control.
Baby feels good having a tiny bit of control when to look out and explore the world and when to focus on mom's face instead.
«When students are able to adjust the lighting to the needs that they need, psychologically that helps them better concentrate because they feel that they have that extra bit of control,» Konstantinou added.
After much personal experience and research with our breed, we have decided that we are going to strongly promote the end of tail docking at least in our breed where we have some small bit of control.
Littlefinger had expertly steered her towards the objective, and in the process made Sansa feel like she was taking charge of her own fate.The only true bit of control she has had was to walk into the marriage with her head held high, and then step into that room knowing what it probably mean.
The Show offers a number of modes that will give hardcore baseball fans every last bit of control that they could imagine.
Occasional level - ups and unlocks mean you can unleash mightier warriors, and a waypoint system gives you the teensiest bit of control over where your troops go.
That is, God wants to be involved... wants to have a little bit of control of the world's development, or he wants to keep the human race developing.
Ignoring you makes them feel as if they have a little bit of control in a situation where they might feel they have none.
We Geminis thrive on a little bit of controlled chaos year round.
It also provides a fair bit of control and allows you to tweak settings including exposure, white balance, and ISO.
Ground rules are a must, but according to Strong, «Anything you can do to guide a toddler, but then give them a little bit of control over the situation so they don't feel like they are powerless in this transition is going to be helpful.»
Many developers are accustomed to a boss who can hold their hand at every step of the way, while the vast majority of startup founders obsess about their companies to the point that they're frightened to turn over even a little bit of control to folks lower down the totem pole.
«But you need to make them aware by allowing them to use this device on the corporate network, they have to relinquish a little bit of control to the company.»
And fortunately, unlike much else in the startup experience, startup founders have quite a bit of control over this area.
Thus, although it will definitely be a difficult task to get a legal handle on Bitcoin over the long term, regulators can still have a bit of control when it comes to the entry points and exit points of the Bitcoin ecosystem.
We almost have to be a bit of a control freak to get a company going and we have to learn to get past that if we want to grow our company beyond what a small team can do.
If that's what it means anyway and if you want to obey St. Paul who always comes across to me as a bit of a control freak.
I am a bit of a control freak though, I like to keep my eye on it!!
Yes, as you can see I am a bit of a control freak.
Why do we need wilshere???? Bcse he has a bit of control vision and moves the ball forward... Mert Monreal flamini and Ramsey (utterly useless again) are all lateral....
In the second half, we lost that little bit of control we had in the first half and Aston Villa became stronger in this situation.»
With Xavi gone we lost a bit of control in midfield and that resulted in a great counter from Osasuna, but Nino could only flash wide off the post.
Despite Liverpool cutting through City with ease time and again throughout the opening half, Guardiola suggested his team were actually not too bad, aside from a small period when his players «lost a bit of control».
«I saw that Busquets lost a bit of control of the ball, and I felt it was a good opportunity to steal the ball and maybe score a second goal.
«We arrived with a huge personality, except 10 - 15 minutes in the first half when we lost a bit of control.
She has co-founded a new Parent Advocate Certification Program - Loss Doulas International, which empowers parents to gain a bit of control and make the best decisions possible at the time of their loss and in the days that follow.
The first thing we do to instill a bit of control on our day is gate off the stairs, so that the boys have to stay on the same level.
Moms who accept that their little ones have a need to run, jump, and even climb might be able to gain a bit of control over the situation by setting up safe - to - climb play spaces.
Now you have to take a bit of control.
We've found that it's widened both of our kids» palates simply because they feel as though they have a bit of control, and perhaps because they feel less pressure to eat certain foods (therefore are more open to trying them).
When it comes to pregnancy, as I learner so clearly last time you don't have any control of when baby comes and when you have had experiences like we had you really want to grasp onto any bit of control or power you can over when baby arrives.
With my first daughter, I was a bit of a control freak.
Sneaky little bits of control It wasn't always thus.
Just a bit of control could be enough for evading.
I'm a bit of a control freak: I love schedules, lists and goals.
The effort requires trust, it requires letting go of a bit of control, and it requires a bit of a leap of faith.
After almost ten days of skiing with my AMAZING ski instructor, Nans I got back into the swing of things on the slopes and managed to not fall down the mountain and actually come down the mountain with a little bit of control.
But, I also believe we have a bit of control over what we internalize.

Phrases with «bit of control»

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