Sentences with phrase «bit of conversation»

Tell them a little bit about what's going on in your life, have a little bit of a conversation to see if you feel comfortable.
Every morning I walk in, I overhear bits of conversation like, «Yeah, I've been goin'tannin» because Robbie likes it when I'm wicked dahk.»
Every morning I walk in, I overhear bits of conversation like, «Yeah, I've been goin'tannin» because Robbie likes it when I'm wicked dahk.»
As an 80 - year - old my hearing is weakening and in a crowded situation I can miss bits of conversation.
As we head out into the night, I overhear the loud bits of a conversation between two of the younger players.
As an abstract painter, I do the same thing: I leave bits of the conversation
A revealing bit of conversation at the end of the New York Times (NYSE: NYT) earnings call between an analyst, digital head Martin Nisenholt...
Insurance is intimidating, it's boring, it's dry, it's confusing, it's frustrating, so if we can bring a little bit of levity, a little bit of a conversation to it and a conversation you'd want to have, then we could help rise above everything else in the insurance industry.
That's right, it records retroactively, so you don't have to decide ahead of time whether you want to record a bit of conversation.
We must, of course, stay aware of the cultural conversation (some must even take a real part), but we must not let it dictate every bit of our conversation.
It stirred up quite a bit of conversation.
Scot's newest book, Kingdom Conspiracy: Returning to the Radical Mission of the Local Church is already making waves, generating quite a bit of conversation online and among evangelical leaders and thinkers.
In particular, the garnishes on the side turn a nice soup into something intriguing and remarkable, making it a bit of a conversation piece when serving to company (note that just being able to explain where the recipe has come from, this fabulous website, also makes it a great conversation piece!).
At Spa he really went the extra mile for one fan, engaging in a bit of conversation and banter whilst signing her cap and posing for selfies, not once looking like he was doing it out of obligation or that he didn't want to be there.
As you can see, ZisBoomBah has stirred up a bit of conversation here!
I think it would worth a bit of conversation.
Unfortunately they don't do them any more, shame as it's a bit of a conversation piece.
As a social wallflower and a bit of a loner I find that wearing vintage inspired clothes makes me feel less invisible and sometimes can be a bit of a conversation starter.
A little bit zany but sane... A sense of humor and loves a bit of conversation, and a good story.
It helps us have a bit of a conversation.
It grabs a bit of conversation from every member, slyly making the audience feel something for everyone.
We get into a bit of conversation about girl gamers with Mom Brain, but Lube seems to think he is an expert on that subject as well.
You know, players are on the playground, and it's a bit of a conversation, a back and forth, with the content we create and the reactions from the players.
Every sprite is full of detail and every bit of conversation artwork meticulously detailed.
Random dialogues (from radio or TV or bits of conversation) find themselves in her drawings, like surrealist footnotes.
Every bit of conversation was a potential tweet, every sunset a potential Instagram....
There's been quite a bit of conversation (and some confusion) regarding the CLSA.
It's been three weeks since Judge Sweet's ruling in Association for Molecular Pathology v. USPTO (or as it is more widely known, the Myriad gene patent litigation) and it's still generating quite a bit of conversation.
Instead, keep the tone of the conversation or e-mail light and friendly, and, if you can, slip in a few questions and have a bit of a conversation if it seems appropriate.
To add insult to injury, when you catch a bit of their conversation you will often hear the person say into their phone «nothing, what are you doing?»
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