Sentences with phrase «bit of distance»

The key thing is that you'll be able to help your dog get used to a little bit of distance between you while you are still in the house.
For that reason, it's a good idea to keep a little bit of distance between you and the sharks and avoid touching them.
He certainly looks the part even if he gives off the vibe that he might want to be anywhere but in a vehicle that teeters on the edge of softcore but retains a tasty bit of distance from going all the way.
Daniel Bramzon: For example, if they're in one of our offices that are a little bit of a distance away — and the attorney happens to be in court — but still wants to talk directly with an attorney, we can conference them in from any office.
The car features a header-less windshield, touch - panel interface and an electric skateboard to get users the fabled «last mile,» that last bit of distance to their destination should they park the car far from it.
If it makes contact with Shu then you'll meet your demise, forcing you to restart from the last checkpoint but with the added advantage of being an extra bit of distance ahead of the storm.
Lawrence has round features, non-prominent cheekbones, a relatively flat brow, and a good bit of distance between his eyes and brows.
«Go somewhere where you can draw a little bit of distance between you and your normal environment.
Manchester City, Manchester United, Southampton, Liverpool and Tottenham are behind us but we have made a little bit of distance between us.
And it's that stepping back and creating a bit of distance that makes it possible to help without falling into the pit (or swallowing the problem) yourself.
And your employees will be forced to remain at a bit of a distance.
«That said, there's quite a bit of distance from what we've built from what they're building.
Where questions have been raised, at least from me, looking at the team from a little bit of distance, it's been the central midfield and of course also up top, where Olivier Giroud is yet to prove himself as the main man to fully trust.
They have created quite a bit of distance between themselves and the rest of the League in terms of the Standings... A 2 - 0 Sunday helped that quite a bit.
The other apartments in the area — like back behind Gibbons — allows for a little bit of distance.
Hopefully they can cope with a bit of distance.
«Icardi took a knock after thirty seconds, he was pained for a few minutes, we missed his contribution at that time, we lost a bit of distance.
The forward had quite a bit of distance to cover, but he tucked the ball past Gomes.
I think even Luiz, with a bit of distance, will accept that he went in too strongly.
Attending prenatal classes and birthing classes in person will give her an idea of home birth and what takes place, and perhaps, if she has a friend who is having a home birth who is comfortable with the woman attending she can sit in, at a bit of a distance, of course, to get an idea if this is something she feels is for her and her family.
In a hotel room, it can be hard to separate work from the rest of your life, but keeping my phone away from the bed gives me just a bit of distance, letting me focus on sleep, and on the day to come.
None of us were living at paleo times, so anything someone says must be taken with a bit of distance and a critical mind.
Realistically, I think that this coat is from the early 60s, though there are elements to it that feel older, and when you view it from a bit of distance, I'd even go so far as to say it has a certain charming Edwardian vibe, though of course, I know it's no where near that aged.
Jeans and boots (I was walking a bit of a distance otherwise it is warm enough for heels).
Date her casually, and keep her at a bit of a distance.
Expectations with a little bit of distance are the worst combination when finding your match online.
Portman gives her saturnine character a chilly resolve, keeping her at a bit of a distance, only occasionally exposing a raw emotional register.
Laylee can flap his wings to add a bit of distance to Yooka's jump, just like Kazooie did for Banjo back in the day.
However, the film is perhaps too handsome, as the stoicism with which the story is captured results in a bit of a distance from the emotional investment in the characters.
Wigglers will come back out of hiding after only a few moments and a bit of distance from you.
But we're still a bit of a distance away from the (possible) Oscar - bait films to come — which include (maybe) Birdman, Foxcatcher, Gone Girl, The Imitation Game, Inherent Vice, Interstellar, Into the Woods, The Judge, Mr. Turner, The Theory of Everything and Unbroken — as well as the sure - to - be box - office behemoths The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 and The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.
Now at the front of the three - car pack, we quickly put a bit of distance between us and the other Boxsters.
«I'm really hoping to twist the arms of Guy Smith and Marino Franchitti, two of my team mates last year who will also be in Long Beach,» said Oliver, «to run a bit of the distance with me but they're showing some reluctance!
And your use of the omniscient (and at times irreverent) narrator is particularly effective in Whichwood, since it gives readers a bit of distance from all the death and gore.
That way, you can approach it with fresh eyes and a bit of distance, as a reader, rather than in too close as the writer.
Start with a bit of distance between you and your dog so that it would be difficult for him to snatch the treat from your hand.
Although the Warren County / Glens Falls Area is a bit of a distance from Upstate Veterinary Specialties in Latham, the staff and doctors of UVS wanted to provide assistance for the newly re-organized group committed to animals and the community.
Additionally, cats lack the muscles needed to change the shape of their eye lenses, so they can't see things as close - up as humans can and need to be standing at a bit of a distance.
This keeps your dog still and puts a bit of distance between her and the dryer nozzle.
Her perspective suggests that with a a bit of distance, a greater fullness of lived experiences comes into focus.
Thus you either have to dive into your own zone, which is very safe, but means more danger once you've landed and have to travel a bit of distance or you can dive into an area of the map that isn't covered by an artillery, which might be closer but is more likely to get you shot quicker.
This game is made to watch from a bit of a distance: using the Switch in offscreen mode you have to pull back a bit to manage both sides of the screen with perhipheal vision.
«It's quite nice to have that bit of distance, to have my own personal space to develop my work,» she says.
There is a density of these gestures orchestrated towards the center of the painting at a bit of a distance from the work's margins.
Though Basquiat fit perfectly alongside then - ascendant Neo-Expressionists like Julian Schnabel, who aimed to return figurative painting to the realm of vanguard art, a bit of distance shows that he was regularly outclassing them.
She has even provided bleachers to better view the works from a bit of distance, as a dynamic performance of motion, shifts, adjacencies — as an aesthetic - athletic event.»
You're at the supermarket; you've got two or more bags full of groceries; and you've got a bit of a distance to carry your plunder home or to your transport.
My co-worker did note that the lack of a traditional mic was noticeable, as there was a bit of distance and distortion to my voice, but said that it wasn't enough to make my voice incomprehensible.

Phrases with «bit of distance»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z