Sentences with phrase «bit of extra care»

However, you should understand that these puppies may require a little bit of extra care and patience.
1 — Hamster are relatively low maintenance pets to bring to your house, however they need bit of extra care than rest of the pets that you take to your house.
Note that when you're making these, you'll want to take a bit of extra care: white chocolate is much more finicky than dark, so keep a close eye on it and stir evenly and gently.
Simply double the recipe and be sure to mix the ingredients with a bit of extra care.
But with a bit of extra care, wool can definitely be worth the extra time and effort!
They require a bit of extra care, too.
It is a piece that requires a bit of extra care with storage and general use, but rarely have I seen a clutch as versatile.
However, you can boost the brightness in your room with a bit of extra care by dusting fixtures and bulbs regularly to remove dust that might otherwise block the light.
Taking my time doing my hair, putting a bit of extra care into my makeup.
They are sensitive pets, so you need to take a bit of extra care towards them, for their proper health and hygiene.
With a bit of extra care and commitment, older dogs can adapt to new circumstances and bring years of pleasure to families and individuals.
Sometimes our fur babies need a bit of extra care from us if they suffer from a congenital or hereditary disability or limitation or acquire one due to illness or advancing age.
Volokh explains that «this mistake also shows the need for a bit of extra care when describing the authors of blog posts, op - eds, and other publications that don't make the author's affiliation clear.»
And with a bit of extra care in documenting a file, lawyers can put themselves in a far better position to defend a claim.
Treat your finish with a bit of extra care until the wax has cured completely.
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