Sentences with phrase «bit of parmesan»

Sprinkle a little bit of parmesan cheese, and fresh chopped basil or parsley over the balls.
I added cheese to 1/2 of the pan for the husband and I while sprinkling a little bit of parmesan cheese on the baby's portion.
It does include a small amount of olive oil, and I sprinkled a tiny bit of parmesan cheese on top.
I switched the recipe up only slightly by adding some tomatoes, a wee bit of Parmesan cheese, and I went with canned beans (for convenience) rather than dried beans.
My kids love the crunch of romaine lettuce and sharp bits of Parmesan cheese.
I added a little bit of Parmesan cheese at the end, and boom!
I did add some garlic, and I sprinkled more crushed red pepper on top of each serving, along with the tiniest bit of parmesan cheese.
In lieu of using cream for this recipe, we're using coconut milk, then adding loads of flavor by adding some marsala wine, plenty of garlic, a pinch of Italian seasoning, lots of sun - dried tomatoes (packed in oil), and a wee bit of Parmesan cheese.
Sprinkle the top of this layer with some salt and pepper, a little bit of gruyere cheese and a little bit of parmesan cheese.
Broccoli stems are delicious roasted in the oven, seasoned with salt and pepper and a bit of Parmesan cheese!
Make a Mediterranean flavored omelette recipe by adding vegetables from that region, like chopped zucchini and tomaotes with a bit of Parmesan cheese.
Try diced zucchini and chopped tomatoes (seeds removed) and add a bit of Parmesan to the egg mixture before you cook it.
I sliced mine up last night and roasted them with a bit of parmesan (thanks to the suggestion from the lovely farmer Andrea!)
I added a bit of parmesan cheese as well and it made it even more risotto-esque:).
I like to mix the shredded cheese with seasoned breadcrumbs and a bit of Parmesan cheese and then drizzle a little olive oil (about 1 - 2 tsp) when it is spread out over the tortellini and sauce.
The next time I make them, I will use the suggestion in these reviews of adding extra cooking spray to help ensure crispiness, and I might add a bit of Parmesan cheese.
This egg casserole happens to be on top of an ultra crisp potato hashbrown crust, topped with fresh asparagus, a bit of parmesan cheese (if you eat dairy), and a sprinkle of chives.
I have been good on paleo though...... no grains, no dairy except for a bit of parmesan cheese here and there.
You may want to top it with a bit of parmesan too.
Our crew also likes a bit of parmesan cheese sprinkled over them for the last few minutes.
After you take the Turkey and Prosciutto Zucchini Bake out of the oven, sprinkle a bit of parmesan cheese on top and sliced avocado.
Some garlic and a little bit of Parmesan is usually my go - to, but this is definitely a nice change of pace if you're in the mood for something spicy:)
I seem to have found this at the right time... I have a tiny bit of parmesan that's starting to grow mold... I wanted to salvage the rest in some way, and this is just perfect!
I also used chickpea miso and found that it added a little bit of parmesan - ish flavour, I did use a little extra than the recipe called for as chickpea miso seems to be a little more mild.
By the time I went to get it out, I realized that my ginger had gone soft, so improvised and with garlic and a bit of parmesan instead.
:) I used a bit of parmesan which I had left over for the polenta and unfortunately I had forgotten to buy coriander leaves, which I'm sure add a nice kick to it.
I used all the ingredients you find on a good focaccia plus a bit of parmesan: rosemary, oregano, sundried tomatoes and a bit of extra virgin olive oil — a fantastic combination.
I sprinkled a bit of parmesan over the top, which really made it awesome.
I mean, carrots and garlic roasted to perfection, then pureed with cream, some pasta water, and a bit of parmesan cheese?
This recipe can be made vegan or vegetarian — the pancetta is optional and can be omitted all together — but for extra depth of flavor, try adding a bit of Parmesan rind to the simmering soup.
These eggs are loaded with sweet delicious pan-roasted heirloom cherry tomatoes, fresh basil and a wee bit of Parmesan cheese...
Serve immediately served with a bit of parmesan sprinkled on top.
Sprinkle the pasta with a bit of Parmesan cheese.
Throw on some peppers, onions, tomatoes, artichokes, kidney beans, and just a little bit of Parmesan cheese, and you have an easy meal that appeals to both gourmands and picky eaters alike.
After you take the Turkey and Prosciutto Zucchini Bake out of the oven, sprinkle a bit of parmesan cheese on top and sliced avocado.
I omitted the bacon and added a little bit of Parmesan.
Also, topped with a bit of parmesan cheese... I know, I know, but it was YUMMY!
Transfer warm fritters to a serving platter, sprinkle with a squeeze of lime or a bit of parmesan cheese, and serve with a side of spicy mustard for dipping.
Sliced grapes, feta cheese, or a bit of parmesan can also help take this easy creation to the next level.
That half a cup of pasta might be lean on its own, but add a few tablespoons of olive oil and a bit of Parmesan cheese, and you've just increased your calorie count.
Blend an ounce of nuts with rucola, basil or coleander, add a lot of oil (f.ex linen oil rich in omegas3), a bit of parmesan if you like, salt pepper and enjoy a healthy home made pesto!
Sometimes it involves LIGHTLY browning the outside of the meat you are offering, or adding a little bit of parmesan cheese or garlic salt.
The coriander on top gave them a nice hit of something unexpected.These would also be nice with a bit of Parmesan cheese mixed in.
I grated a bit of Parmesan cheese over top, but for a vegan dinner, leave that out.
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